Chapter 5

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I'll just keep the book rolling. I know I know, why isn't your character making out with karma yet? Well I think those type of relationships need time to build itself. There will be a couple cliches in this story, but does it really matter?

Your POV
It was only a few days after the fight. Karma had finally healed his injuries, and we were walking to class together. "I really hate that Professor Bitch. Her damn name describes her personality. " I growled at the thought of it. Karma smiled at me and said "We all know she's a bitch. But she sticks up for the class. And plus if she gets out of line, that's when Koro-Sensei will take her to the shed and do things again. " I look up at him.

"what kind of things?"

"You don't want to know. " he replied. We started laughing.

Koro-Senseis POV
I see (Y/N) and Karma seem to be getting along very well~
I ship it. Now all we have to do is get them alone together. Uufufufu

Your POV
"Hey Karma, don't we have mid terms next week?" I ask. He face palms.
"SHITTT.. The octopus is gonna pull another moch 20 study session. "

"is that bad? "

"It's not bad, but it's stressful. I tried to stab him once during it, but he still managed to dodge it. So we put off the assassination attempts till after studying."
I had tried to assassinate Koro-Sensei twelve times in the past few days. But still hadn't gotten it. Should I really be trying to hide my speed? I decide to ask Karma something. "Hey Karma, how would you react if another student has the speed, and power, to take out the damn Octopus? " I ask.

"Actually, we had a couple students like that. Itona had Tentacles growing out of his hair and almost finished the Octopus off, but failed because he took his tentacles. Same with Kayano." "Kayano huh? She must be a vicious little bitch. "
"She was. But then Nagisa kissed her.", he put an evil grin on his face. It made him resemble Koro-Sensei. "I have pictures ~", he said in a sing song voice. "Oooo give me the goods. " I grinned viciously. He stretches his arm holding his phone above his head and outwards behind him. I quickly flipped him to get it, but I stepped on his foot and fell. That wasn't a hard fall. I try to catch my breath and I push up from whatever I was laying on. "... Fuck.. " I see karma on the ground, he was flushed red. Same as me.
His right leg was between my legs, and my right leg was between his.
He gets a perverted smirk on his face, so I turn to my left. "Oops, my bad. " "Yeah it's your fault. Now how are we gonna be even?" he asks.

Meanwhile, on the trail leading to the classroom, students still walking up as (Y/N)'s and Karma's, accident is still happening.

Narrators POV
Koro-Sensei grabs all the students and takes them behind a bush where Karma and (Y/N) are visible. "Koro-Sensei, aren't we too young to be seeing this?" asked Nagisa. "No no no children. This is just watching love blossom." his face was pink. "There's no getting him out of this now! " The long haired blonde girl, Rio, laughed. She also has a Koro-Sensei grin on her face. She's just as into it!! Nagisa though.
"Shhhhh!!!! " Kayano said. "Something's happening! "
Koro-Sensei pulls out a small device that lets us hear what they're saying.
"Yeah, its your fault, so how are we gonna be even?", Karma says to her. "That karma. All smooth. " says Terasaka irritatingly.

Your POV
"I don't know. How am I supposed to even this out?"he grabs my face, and pulling me closer to his. I turn completely red. Then, he suddenly kisses me. His lips were soft and warm. I completely give into the kiss. After a little bit, we separate for air. "Is that enough for you? " I ask. "Not even close. " he grins, quickly flipping me on my back. What? Am I even ready for thi- he kisses me rougher, as he slides his hand up my thigh, while his other traces my side. It slowly entered underneath my shirt. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I gladly accept. He doesn't leave a single corner untouched by his tongue.

Narrators POV
"Koro-Sensei, you need to stop this from going any further. " Nagisa says, but all he was doing was drooling over it. "Dammit Koro-Sensei. " Nagisa and Rio decide to jump from the bushes. Koro-Sensei starts shaking in fear. "Wait!" but they were already out there.

Your POV
I was too deep into the kiss to realize something. I stop immediately. "Karma, shouldn't students be coming up this path?" his eyes open wide, and we both hear Rios voice. "Well, well, look what we have here. Two hot and heavy love birds." We both stand up fast. Acting like nothing happened. Then Koro-Sensei and the ENTIRE rest of the class pop up from the bushes. "Oh, my fucking gosh... " I froze as my mouth dropped. I noticed Karma unbuttoned my shirt and my (F/C) bra was showing. I was then completely flushed, if that's even possible. Out of rage, I go at a complete moch 60. And cut off all the octopuses tentacles. I growled at him as the class watched in shock..

This was a long chapter I know. But hey, you guys got some action with Karma atleast. I might add a lemon later. Not sure. Well, until the next chapter ^^ 

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