Chapter 14

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Been a while since I last updated. but its whatever though. Don't freak out okay? I'm just taking my time writing. I also like reading fanfictions too ya know~ you cant just leave me out of all the awesome writing that others come up with.anyways back to our story~


Karma's POV

I never knew she was able to sulk this much... (Y/N) hasn't lifted her head off her desk in four days. I swear I could see a sad aura around her. 

It was lunch period. The octopus had went on a moch 20 tour of Russia leaving the class behind. Which was normal for us. I see (Y/N) finally sit up. I watch her carefully, as she slowly walks out the classroom with her head hanging low. 

"Is she still upset over her failed plan?", asked Nagisa. I give him a death defying glare as a bead of sweat forms on his forehead and he starts waving his hands in defense. "I didn't mean it like that! I just meant that it didn't work because, well, our teacher is still alive.", I continue to glare at him. after about five minutes of glaring, i stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"I'm going to go find her.I'm sure she's probably hunkered in a corner some where crying her eyes out...", I sigh as I begin walking out the door. "Wait but Koro-Sensei should be back any minute now!", Nagisa calls out to me. I shrug it off and continue to look for (Y/N).

Your POV

All I could do was cry. I failed my classmates... my friends. My plan failed. I could just kill the banoctopus anytime... but where would that leave them? They worked hard to get the strength they need to take him down. And i'm just a nuisance. 

"Why am I like this? There's no way Karma could love someone like me. I'm a failure...", more tears rolled down my face as I sat in my little corner in the shed out side of the school building. I then cover up my mouth from making anymore whimpers as I hear the door to the shed open. Footsteps, then it closed. I heard more footsteps coming closer and closer to me. Please don't let it be him.Please don't let it be him. A redheaded tall male appeared. Great. It's FUCKING HIM!

"(Y/N).", he starts, staring straight into my eye's. Those pale red eyes were enough to make any girl melt. He starts moving stuff out of the way, walking towards me one step at a time. I tried to back up, but since I put myself in a corner, i'm screwed. All I could do was stare as he came towards me. As soon as hes only a few inches away, he leans down and I shut my eyes tightly. I then felt my wrist get grabbed and my body force into a tight squeeze. I open my eyes. He pulled me into an affectionate hug. Holding me tighter by the second as if i was going to drift away at any minute now. 

He strokes my hair," You're not a failure (Y/N). And you've worked just as hard as anyone else did in this class. We're all proud of you even if we didn't manage to kill the octopus, we still have till the end of March. We all believe in you. Especially me." I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him slightly. I begin to cry even harder as he kisses the top of my head. I fall to my knees, tears still flowing and I pull him with me. after a long session of tears, we both fall asleep in each others arms.


Happy? I updated. I'll probably work on the next chapter in a few days. I hope you enjoyed this one. Until next time^^ Sayonara~

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