Chapter 8

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So sad T_T.  But it gets better. He you (the reader) learn about your(the characters) past. This should be interesting~

Your POV
Koro-Sensei arrives at the old school building a few seconds after the class does. As he zooms into the room,  the class starts to go to their seats and I stand where the octopus usually is. Professor Bitch and Kurasuma stand in the back.  "Oo~ what are we doing?",  asks the Obnoxious banana octopus. Banoctopus. I laugh at the thought but quickly get serious. "She's willing to finally open up.", Kurasuma tells him. The Banoctopus scurries to where I usually sit,  and sits down. Karma tries to stab him because he was so big,  he couldn't see me. The Banoctopus jumps up and stands in the back with the other teachers.

I begin. "I.. Was not your everyday girl. First off,  my parents were some of the most feared assassins. They even worked side my side with the reaper. But they quickly surpassed him and his expectations. Then he disappeared one day." Kurasuma interrupts. "if your parents were top notch assassins,  wouldn't they be in the records?"
"if they didn't work for an unknown organization, They would. But they kept their existence a secret. They then trained me until I had the skills to surpass the reaper as well. But one day, the secret organization had decided that me and my parents were too dangerous to keep around, so they gave us to their experimental lab,  where they experimented on all of us. They said that it would be likely that we would die during the experiment unless the things they were injecting us with were suited for us. They said it only suited one person in all the world. That same bacteria... That same parasite... Killed both my parents in the process. They finally injected me with it. And if suited my genes perfectly. Giving me super human abilities. Put that together with the skills I obtained to be an assassin,  and that makes me the most dangerous creature on the planet. I finally mastered those abilities at the age of nine, I was ocked in that facility for four years. I finally busted out of there. I returned to the secret assassination organization and a man known as The Doctor started to mentor me. He was their top assassin. Then, once I knew I was stronger,  I killed him and robbed him of his bank account. Using the millions of dollars he had to buy myself a home and enroll myself into school. And that's how I ended up here today."

The entire class remained silent. I knew they wouldn't be able to take it... I smirked. They started looking at me,  and then the Banoctopus. "WHAT?! " they all say in sync. "THEN HOW COME YOU HAVE NO TENTACLES LIKE KORO-SENSEI?!" Nagisa, Karma, and Kayano ask at the same time. "Simple. " said Koro-Sensei.  "She was their perfected experiment. I was a lab mistake. "

Koro-Sensei's POV
So she was lab made as well... And her parents worked with me? Strange. The only people who ever worked with me were known as the Twin Devils. Unless...  "(Y/N)!  Who were your parents?!", I ask her. Hoping she doesn't say- "Minasaki Sorei and Komanei (L/N). Why?",  she responds. The whole class looks at me tilting their heads. "You know them Koro-Sensei? " someone asks. "No no, not at all!  Anyways! Everyone get seated,  because it's moch study time. ",  I squint my eyes, feeling very prideful. Green stripes appear on my face.


Well, now you know. And if you haven't finished assassination classroom yet,  sorry for the spoiler in there if you noticed it of not. See you in the next chapter. Baii!

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