Chapter 12

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Here is where some thing may get a little hot. I'll leave in bold where if you're not into all that stuff,  I suggest you skip to the next bold lettering. Enjoy~

Your POV
Putting the plans for the assassination aside for now, I decided to take a warm shower.
I put on a white tee shirt. That was pretty much it. I had no plans to go anywhere so I didn't bother putting on pants. I walked around the house with just the tee shirt and my bra and laced (F/C) panties.
My day went by,  until I feel somebody's arms snake around my neck from behind. I flip them over,  hear a "Dammit, (Y/N).",  their voice was familiar,  and I look at them and see it's Karma. "Oh fuck,  you alright?" I run to his side. Pulling him up. "Yeah." he rubs his neck as I'm sure it's in pain. I sigh,  and walk to the kitchen freezer to retrieve an ice pack.

"Thanks.",  he says as I hand it to him
"No biggy." I head back into the kitchen and open the fridge,  bending down to open the drawer to grab a canned (drink). Big mistake.
He comes up behind me and smacks my ass,  slightly touching the area he should not have access to. I then remember,  fuck... I'm wearing no pants. I try to stand straight again, but he pushes me back down. "Ouch. That hurt dammit!", I told him.

I moch 30 behind him,  jumping on his back. He then carries me to my room,  putting the cold drinks I grabbed up on the night stand.
My room was located on the second floor of my house. My bed was located right in front of a window with curtains. It was the only window in there but if was cozy.

He tosses me on my bed,  and he starts to loosen the tie he was wearing from a school uniform. I raise a brown,  wondering what he's up to. He then positions himself hovering above me. He lightly kisses me. His lips were soft on mine. He caresses my cheek.
Our kiss then gets rougher and more passionate. He then runs his hands up my shirt, lightly massaging my breast. I moan slightly opening my mouth, and he takes this opportunity to explore  the inner part of it,  not leaving a single inch untouched.

We break from the kiss to breath. He then starts planting kisses down my neck, trying to find my weak point. My back arches a little as he crosses over it,  then returns to it. Biting and sucking the same areas. A loud moan escapes my grasp,  and he chuckles a little,  causing warm breath to tingle my collar bone.

His hand wanders from my breast, slowly but surely aiming for my womanhood. He starts rubbing down there,  as I mean and unbutton his collared button up shirt,  exposing his bare chest. He then removes my tee shirt and we begin once more until-

Someone suddenly opens my window. "Hey (Y/N),  have you seen Kar-", it was Nagisa, Isogai, and Rio. Me and Karma stare wide eyes at the three. All of their faces bright red and Rio puts on an evil grin, snapping pictures of me and Karma's almost nude bodies.
I look at Karma,  then at The three invaders.
"We stumbled into something we shouldn't have haven't we? " asked Isogai.
~10 minutes later~
Me and Karma are finally fully clothed,  but blushing like hell.
Nagisa clears his throat, his face still shining red,  but trying to forget seeing what they saw. "We only came by to look for Karma. And... I guess we found him. " Nagisa says awkwardly.

"why did you even come through my window?",  I asked them all.
"You were house hopping again weren't you? ", Karma squints his eyes at them. They nod,  except Rio was going through the photos she took of us. I blush even harder and quickly moch 20 to take it from her and I crush it with my hands. She still has a smirk on her face I broke the camera so I ignore it. I sigh, and me and Karma pitifully face palm.

Meanwhile, after Rio leaves your home

Rio's POV

I snicker and chuckle as I call for Koro-Sensei. He comes flying at moch 20 speed as usual. "Hey Koro-Sensei,  I have some nice pics of Karma and (Y/N) making out. You can have them all if you get me some good Chinese food from China. " he fangirled and fly's,  bringing me four bags full of it. I hand him the second camera I had and take the food. "Pleasure doing business witcha!" I wave him off as he starts doing his weird shipping thing.

Lolol I guess this chapter was meant more for fun and the spiciness instead of sticking close to the story. Thought I'd have a little fun with it. Choi ^^

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