Chapter 6

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Well,  here we go once again. It got a little heavy last time fufufu~

Koro-Seneis POV
What is this? So much speed! Another one of my tentacles falls off. I can't even see her movements. "GUANGHG!! " I scream in pain.  She stops to catch her breathe. I take this opportunity and tangle her with the last tentacle I have. She growls in anger and her eyes turn from a beautiful (E/C) to a dark and merciless red. She... Is a natural born and trained assassin.

Karma's POV
So this is what she meant...  I think to myself. Now seeing (Y/N) tied up by the tentacle, she passes out.  "Here. Take her Karma. " he hands her to me and I carry her bridal style to the classroom. I sit her at her desk in front of me. And Professor Bitch gives (Y/N) some medicine that instantly wakes her up. "Now Karma,  I want you to tie her up. Now. " she said
I hesitate but did  as she told in hopes that (Y/N) would be calm.

Your POV
I wake up,  only to find myself not being able to move. I look down to see that I was tied up. "What the fuck is this shit? "I give everyone an evil glare. The ropes had a steel center,  but I broke them with all my strength. Everyone gasped except Karma, who seemed a little sad.  Professor bitch had a gun pointed to my head. I start shaking and my eyes water.

"Ms. Irina,  step down. You're scaring her. ", Kurasuma told her. She drops her weapon.
He sits in front of me.
"Do you remember anything? " he asks.
"All I can remember is... " I remember the make out session with Karma,  and I turn red. "I-i remember being with Karma, and then...", I slowly turn my tomato face towards the octopus,  who now has all his limbs and gave him a death stare. Kurasuma coughs,  gaining my attention once more.
"You do understand that you rage fully attack the target at a recorded speed of Moch 60? Three times faster then the target himself? "he asks. I gasp and stand up. Knocking down the chair I was once seated in. "It's okay (Y/N). We're not going to hurt you. They're not going to touch you either. " Karma says,  calming me down.

"Where did you get you're superhuman abilities? " asked Kurasuma sternly.
I denied it. "What is it you mean?" my voice was shaky. "your moch 60 speed,  your inhuman strength,  and almost ribbon like agility?"

"You, You didn't see anything!  I don't have any of those!!" of course I do...

time skip brought to you by Kurasuma stubborness~

After constant interrogations,  Kurasuma gave in. Finally... I sigh in relief. Kurasuma walks out of the room,  but he says something to Karma before leaving. It sucks I can't read lips. I thought to myself.
After everything is settled,  I can feel uneasiness from all the classmates. Who really gives a fuck?  Those little bitches can't take me. I smirk at my own thoughts. I can tell everyone's glaring at me. The blonde bitchy Professor Bitch is even eyeing me down from afar.
I stand up. Not muttering a word. Everyone jumps slightly. I grit my teeth,  and walk to the door. Karma grabs my sleeve,  but I easily take him off of it. And walk out the door.
Eehhe.... Long chapter as usual. but you should get used to these by now. If you see any mistakes in my story,  I ask that you please message me^^ thank you~

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