Chapter 4

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Okee Doke, so I guess I was more bored then I thought. So I'm going to continue making chapters. Well,  let's get started into it shall we? ^^

Narrators POV
Kurasuma signals for the fight to begin. Nagisa yells at you,  "Be careful!" I'm the one who needs to be careful.. ' Karma thought to himself.  He runs at a steady speed and throws a right hook,  turning it into a grab and grabbing your arm.  He flips your entire body behind him, but before he could let go,  you flip him the same way,  but with more force.
"I can't let them know about my moch level speed. Or I might be the next target.' You thought to yourself,  body slamming Karma.  He lets out a little squeal after hitting the ground. He stands back up rubbing the dirt and dust off his clothing and getting back into his stance.  "Well,  looks like we have quite the-" he gets cut off by himself coughing up a little blood. "quite t-the power house.. ",  he stands straight again. He looks at you with piercing eyes.  "Okay,  no more going easy. " You decide to turn down your speed to three times the normal speed of humans.  Karma comes running again,  but you quickly grab his wrist, from behind,  pull him down,  and knee him in the back.
Kurasuma calls off the fight immediately.  'how... Did she manage such speed.. And her strength and agility is off the charts.' Kurasuma thought to himself,  running to help Karma up. Professor Bitch also runs out to help Karma.

your POV
"I told you did I not? You do not want to mess with me." I said looking down on karma. I started getting a major trigger to finish him off,  but I shook it off. I helped him up as did the other two teachers. "(Y/N)! Why did you have to go all out like that?! " asked a blue haired boy running to me with two other students. "Who said I went all out?" I said in confusion. "by the way,  I never got everybody's names. " I say to the three students. "oh,  well I'm Nagisa, " the blue haired boy said, then pointed at the short silver haired boy "this is Itona, " then he pointed at the larger half blonde boy and said " and this is Terasaka. And you've already met Karma." Karma gave me a smile and I slightly blushed. "Well,  nice to meet you Nagisa, Terasaka , and Itona. Im (Y/N)."

~Time skip~

After the fight had ended between me and Karma,  me and him became very close. I started getting all sorts of questions about where all that speed came from and other things.  I just  shrugged it off saying that I was on the track team in my old school.  Eehehe... Worst lie ever. 
Alright. This is all for now. I've got a little writers block. It'll come back though don't worry. Until next time^^

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