Chapter 9

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Hmm.. Still thinking about making a lemon chapter. What do you think? Comment for yes.

Your POV
Not only were mid terms coming up,  but I had to come up with another big Koro-Sensei assassination attempt.


It was our lunch break and the Banoctopus was over in Hong Kong.

"Hey (Y/N),  come here a sec. ", Karma gestured to me.

"Yeah? "

"Remember when you first got here,  and you almost killed the octopus? "

"Yeah. Why do you ask? "

The class surrounds us. The black haired girl wearing glasses with pigtails, I think her name was Okuda,  spoke up.

"Well,  we decided to let you make the plans for the next assassination."

The whole class nods.

"But we still want a piece of the action. ",  Terasaka, the one who looks like Jean from AOT says.

"Yeah doll. Don't take it all for yourself. ", Karma says throwing his arm around me.

"Was never planning on it. " I nodded and agreed to make the plans.

~Flashback ends~

Though I always excel at my subjects,  I still paid attention during the high speed study session. Karma on the other hand, wasn't paying attention too much.
It was funny watching everyone reacting to the study session. Terasaka just yelled at the Banoctopus saying "NARUTO ISN'T EVEN ON THE TEST! " I laughed at his stupidity.

As the study session took on its break,  I started playing with some of the anti sensei b-b's. I took a hammer from the shed and started smashing them. They were filled with powder. I quickly called Okuda over.

"Okuda! Come 'ere. "
She walks over trying not to be shaky. I knew she was afraid of me,  but that's how she is. So I let it slide.

"Y-yeah? " she looks at her feet.

"how do I make this into a sticky substance? You're good at chemistry and particle stuff right? " she nodded and showed me. I grinned and Karma leaned over to me,  kissing my forehead. "What do you have up your sleeve? " he asks.

"None of your damn business.", I hiss.
"Cold.",  he replies.
I start to play with the sticky substance between my fingers,  then it hit me.

I stand up,  sliding the chair I was sitting on, making a loud screeching noise. All the class stares at me. I run and grab Nagisa by the wrist. Then I grab Karma and tell Okuda to follow. Giving her a scary glare, she quickly follows.

"Where are we going?",  Nagisa  asked.
"We,  are going to skip the rest of class,  and go to my place.", I reply. Karma gets a perverted smirk.

"Grab as many Anti-Sensei b-b's as possible. I will need it.", I tell Nagisa. Letting go of his hand. He runs into the teachers lounge and grabs a large box full.
"Good. Now Okuda,  go grab those chemicals you used to make that sticky substance."
"Y-yes. ", she nods and runs to the chemistry room.
Karma kisses me gently. "Whatever you're planning,  I hope this works. "he says holding my chin.

I wonder, what are you planning? Lolol don't worry. I'm about to write the next chapter while the ideas fresh in my mind.

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