Chapter 16

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Your POV
After so many failed attempts at assassination plans, I fall into a deep depression. Again. "Just leave me alone.", I sulked on my desk as Karma tried to walk me home. "Leave me here to rot like the terrible assassin I am."

"Come on~", says Karma, pulling me by my collar. I just kinda dangled there for a while as he dragged me on the ground. I was finally too much for him to handle, so he flips me over his shoulder. "What the fuck Karma?!", I shout at him. I start pounding on his back. "PUT ME DOWN!", I yell at him still hitting him. "You know you're really strong (Y/N), so please don't break your boyfriend.", he acknowledged. I sigh. He's right. I return to sulking as I dangle my head and arms.
We finally make it to my house. "Yay.", I say sarcastically. He chuckles at my "enthusiasm".
"Aren't you just a Ray of sunshine.", he returned my sarcasm. I huff, still dangling from his shoulder. He walks into my house. Wait, the doors locked. Does he have a key?! Who cares? I'm too busy sulking in my own sadness.
He tossed me on my bed, and props up next to me. I just played there wallowing in my own sorrow. "C'mon now, it can't be that bad."
"Utterly miserable.", I mutter, shoving my face into my pillow. He pulls my waist in close and holds me tightly from behind.
"You know, I really love you.", he tells me.
"I love you too Karma."
"Will you stop sulking now?"
I wasn't sure how to end this book, so this is it. I'll probably make a sequel. Just comment down below and vote. Sorry it's uneventful. But this was All I could think up. Forgive me readers.

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