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I was crying hard in the former of the room I was sitting. I was really frightened of darkness. I don't know when I dozed off to sleep.


I reached the store. I bought some chips, cold drinks, oranges, apples, candles etc etc.

I paid my bill and as soon as i sat in my car i saw the lights go off. Light cut off at this place was frequent. So I got large number of candles. I drove back to my house.

Though I was just away from 20 min , I was missing her a lot.

I saw the lights were still not back.

I opened the door and went Inside. I kept all the shopping stuff in the kitchen.

I took two candles and lit them.

"Kia. I am back."



Shit. Where was she. Why wasn't she replying. I started searching for her. I saw her fallen to the ground.

I sprinkled some water on her face. She started gaining consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly. I was freaked out. I saw tears coming out of her eyes. She hugged me tightly as if something bad had happened to her. She had her head on my chest and I held her tightly.

"Hey doll. I am here. What happened.Sshh. Don't cry. I am so sorry . I made u cry twice . Just tell me what happened. "

"Its not you Jacob. Actually I am afraid of darkness. It feels he will come back."


She closed her eyes tightly and left out a soft breathe.

When I was 10 there was guy who stalked me and when there was a power cut he... he.."

"He what?" I narrowed my eyes.

"He tried to rape me in the darkness. since then I am scared of darkness. it feels that from somewhere he will come back and grab me again.That day my dad saw him and saved , but here I am all alone. All alone."

"You are not alone . I am there for you OK. Here nobody touches my girl without my permission."

Wait a second what I said? My girl?.

Yes I did like her since the first day we met. I shouldn't let my mind overcome my heart.

She gave me a crooked smile. I carried her in my arms and took her to the bedroom. I lit almost 10 candles so that the whole room was visible.

"Thanks Jacob"

"For what? "

"For being with me. " She smiled.

I knew even she liked me.

I kissed her forehead and told her to leave. As soon as I got up and was ready to leave she held my hand.

"Can you stay here , with me tonight.?"

I nodded.

I slept on other side of the bed.

I couldn't resist touching her. I shifted towards her.  She was tensed. I slid my hand around her waist bringing her near . She turned and kept her head on my chest. She wrapped her hands around me and murmured

" This is surely more than friendship."

I chuckled.

And we both dozed off.

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