Chapter 34

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I opened the door but no was standing there. My eyes fell on a box on my doormat with a letter.

I picked it up and went inside. This letter said:


Iwantyoutowearthisforyour championship.....


The sender didn't write his or her name. Strange. I opened the beautifully wrapped box. Under the tissues I was able to feel a soft material. I took the dress out of the box and I was in awe. The dress was so perfect. The colours , the design , everything. With the dress there was a small tiara too. It was so cute.

I was really happy and I really wanted to know who had gifted me all this.

I slipped into my bed covers. I took my iPod and started playing the song on which I will perform tomorrow.

The next song was one of the best romantic song I had ever heard. It was "Little Things " By One Direction.

I stood up on my bed and started singing loudly with my iPod as the mike.

I started swaying my hips with the music. I was so indulged in singing that I didn't see my blanket getting twisted under my feet and with that I lost my balance and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

I cried in pain. I had twisted my fractured leg. Tears covered my eyes.

In next fifteen minutes I calmed myself down and tried to standup. But my bad luck I fell again. Shit! I was not able to stand on my right leg.

Fear clouded in my head. I dragged my leg to the night stand and took my cellphone. I called my doc telling him the situation . He told me that he will be at my place in 20 minutes.

I went to the bathroom crying in pain. I washed my face and started the hot water tap. I  soaked one of the towels in hot water and wrapped around my leg.

Somehow I managed to get myself to the front door and left it open. I sat on the couch in the hall waiting for doc to come.


I was having a small fight with my mind since 20 minutes that whether I should go and tell Kiara that I gifted her that dress. I decided I shouldn't and started walking towards the gate.

I soon as I reached the gate I saw in an Audi driving with super fast speed. He stopped at the gate near me.

"Can you tell me exactly where does Kiara Kapoor live? I think I am little bit lost."

"No, you are on the right track . You see that apartment there on the left. Its her. Do you want me to escort you till there?"

"Ya sure. That will be a great help. Thank you."

I sat in the car.

"By the way I am Jacob , Kiara's friend. And you are..?"

"I am her doctor. She called me up telling that she fell from her bed and has twisted her already injured leg. I hope everything not to be much serious."

" What??? She fell? How? "

"She tripped from her bed while dancing on it ."

We were at her door. She was sitting on the couch and crying.

We rushed inside. On hearing our foot steps she opened her eyes.

"What are you doing here Jacob?"

The doc replied instead of me, "I was a little bit lost and your friend helped me."

I smiled at her. She did the same.

She left out a small scream as soon as the doc tried to touch her leg.

The doc said Kiara to look straight into his eyes and take deep breathes. He started backward counting from 3.

"Three......Two....and ....One"

With that he twisted her leg in the opposite direction of which it was titled and she screamed . Tears started trickling down her cheeks.

The doc again wrapped the hot water towel around her leg.

I could see that he was little bit pissed.

" Kiara I had told you to take care of your leg and yourself . Don't you understand these simple words. You know what could have happened. Your bone inside here is not in its good shape and you know that perfectly. So why the hell did you think of doing some dancing on your bed? U need rest. I had told you 2 days back that you need to stop practicing or else you know that are chances of happening something you won't like. And I am sorry to say but I don't think you will be able to perform tomorrow."

"What do you mean by there are chances of happening something she doesn't like?"

"Nothing." Kiara spoke.

"I think you should tell him Kiara. After all he is your friend. My dear friend she had got her leg fractured in a very bad way. Although we had performed a surgery and added plates in her legs the bones in contact with plate are not getting adjusted with it. We fear that if her leg gets more pressure than she needs then those bones will break too causing more damage to her leg. Its bad to say that she won't be able to walk on her right leg. Dance is out of scene."

I was shocked. My throat went dry. Even tears started trickling down my face too.

The doc gave me a nod and told me to take care of her and he left.

We both just kept staring at each other.

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