Chapter 27

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I was not able to see her cry. After she was my love. But she had learn to trust me , value me, and respect my feelings. She had learn to share things with me. Her worries,.memories, secrets, happiness everything.

I sat at the beach for sometime and then headed back to the academy.

I don't know when I reached my room and fell asleep.

After sometime my cellphone started ringing. It was Edward. I ignored it and changed my cellphone profile to vibration and slept again.

I think so after 30 min I heard someone banging at my door hard.

"Jacob open the freaking door you jerk."

I opened the door and saw Rose. She was sweating and her eyes showed worry . She had tears in her eyes toooo.

"What the hell happened Rose?"

"She is missing . Kiara is missing. She is not picking up her cellphone and we searched the whole academy. She is nowhere. Everybody is tensed. I don't know what happened to her."

I felt a pit of guilt in my stomach. I took my phone and rushed out of the my room.I saw 56 missed calls from Rose Edward and Kabir .

Random thoughts were coming in my mind. I can't lose her. I won't be able to be without here.

I searched everywhere except the rehearsal rooms and the figure skating hall. I started with the hall. Checked each and every room and washrooms too but she wasn't there. I want to the rehearsal building . I searched all the rooms with switching on all the lights. And then I saw here. Sleeping in one corner of one the rooms. I called Kabir informing that I had found her.

I walked to her. Her hair were messy and anybody could make out from her face that she had cried a lot.

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