Tanya Sharma

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She was standing in front of me. Right there. I think I am going to fall. Jacob came to the door.


She said "I am here to talk to Kiara. "

Jacob had confused look in his face .

"Come in."

She was tired . I could say this from her face.

I was still holding the door knob in my hand. Standing still at the door.

Jacob called me "Kia!"

Somehow I found my voice " She..She one of the part of the thing of my secret." His hold on me grew hard.

I knew something was wrong back in India because in no way Tanya would come here.

I looked at her. She had some unusual vibe. I took her to my room. I was not feeling well. She came to know this. She told that I should have some sleep and we would talk tomorrow.

"No way you will go near Jacob. You get that straight? "

She nodded.

The next morning Tanya TLD me everything what had happened back at home . I had to leave.  Jacob. New Jersey. I had tears in my eyes. I love him. How could I leave him here and just vanish.

I wrote a letter and went to Jacob's room. He was fast asleep holding the orchids and the letter which he had brought for me.

I kissed his forehead. My tears fell on his cheek. I left my letter on the table besides him bed.


I woke up at 8. I still had the orchids and the letter in my hand. My doll. I wanted to see her so badly. As I got up an envelope fell on the floor . I had my name on it. I opened it.

Dear Jakey,

Staying these days with you here were the best days of my life. I appreciate what you did for me. But you need to understand  we can't be together. I know you love me a lot but I had told when you will come to know that what I had hid from you, your love will turn into hatred and I won't be able to take that. So I am going back. Back to India forever.

Yours and only yours



I had tears in my eyes. I ran to her room and saw everything empty. How could she leave me alone and go. How could she. I was hurted but I was angry. She owed me answers. Suddenly my fell on a black coloured thing below her pillow. I took it out. It was. It was her diary. the cover was black having her name in pink and photo. I opened. I was shocked. It contained photographs. My . Her. Our. She had saved them as memories. Everything. I love her. I had to find her.


I was in flight for India. My eyes were red. I loved him but couldn't tell him.

Tanya tried to soothe me but it was all waste. Waste.

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