The Academy ** Royal ** Part I

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According to the address given by Kiara's mum , the academy was on in goa.

So we decided to visit the academy, the best academy for sports, dance and dramatics “ROYALS”. We left for goa the next day itself.

We reached Goa in the morning it was really a perfect place to enjoy with friends but we had something else on our

mind. So we thought we would first go to the academy.

We hired a car for a day from the goa airport and asked the driver to take us there.

When we reached i was able to see a  pale cream board which read “Royal" in gold and we thought we reached our destination but we were wrong

it was just the starting of the campus  rather than an academy it

looked more like a city if you consider the area and the amenities

available there. I mean it was humongous, a 500 acre lush green campus

with all the amenities one could dream for. We had to stop at the security check point . The guard noted pur car number , colour of the car and type. He asked our names and then let us go.

On our way to academy I noticed on one side of the academy there was a beach, it had an amphitheater  for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events

surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators. There was a basket ball

court, football ground, tennis court and a special thing – There was a hall on the entrance of which it was written " figure skating rink" .

No wonder it was the best academy in extracurricular activities. Now after a 15 min drive we were asked to leave the car

and park it in the parking lot.

We  saw the main gate of the academy. It was huge having golden colour.

I saw a tall building with seven

floors  while walking to the main gate ,on top of it was written " Heaven for Dance maniacs". I guess it was a place for dance rehearsals.

As I was about to enter the main gate I heard a sound “beep beep beep” it was the metal detector, I stopped as I didn’t wanted to be offensive.

Two security guards came running towards me. “Sir, do you have anything which is made of metal? “One of them asked. “Wait it’s in my pocket I have a

key ring that is a heavy chain of metal, I will put it in my car, I said.

“Whoa they have got a good security level though it’s just an academy”, I mumbled to myself. Finally after a bit of inquiry on our

purpose to visit the academy they let us in.

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