Chapter One

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Sweaty bodies were pressed against each other, swaying to the music. Beer was splashing out of cups that were risen up to the sky and voices were lost from screaming too high. I could feel a smile slowly creep onto my lips as he steps onto the stage.

The heavy metal music blasting through the arena, I jump along, holding my camera up in one hand carefully trying to film the experience.

My arms constantly being bumped, meaning the film would be completely unusable due to all the blinding lights and erupt movement. I finally give up trying to make something of the night memorable and place my camera around my neck.

Being here was different. I would never come somewhere like here, at least not to listen to a band like this. I am glad to be a part of it, really I am, but this is not where I belong. Getting out of my comfort zone was not exactly hard for me when I had my friends by my side. It was just the matter of doing things alone or with a new person.

Coming to Oregon seemed scary at first. That was until I met Liz. I was selected to be her dorm roommate.

I have been dreaming of coming here since I can remember. They have an amazing arts program that I was dying to get into for film. I worked so hard in high school to be able to get here, applying for scholarships and a few student loans.

Once I was accepted, I panicked for a couple days. Moving away from my family and out of my comfort zone was a big change, but I eventually decided that this is my future and I deserve to succeed in something that makes me happy.

"Thank you so much for coming out tonight, goodnight Portland!" The microphone was buzzing throughout the venue as his voice rang into it. Screams came from all across the room, everyone standing and bidding goodbye. A large smile forms on his face and he laughs a little, walking off.

"So how do you feel? He knows how to put on a show right?" Liz has a smile plastered on her face, one hand holding a cup and another fisted in excitement.

"He does I'll give him that. I don't know though, this still isn't really my scene." Her eyes roll, "I really did have fun, I swear! Thanks so much for bringing me." My smile was soft, trying to mellow her annoyance.

"Yea sure. Well we'll go now I guess."

The venue was slowly being emptied, everyone still bumping into each other. My ears still ringing from every song that was played.

Our feet carry us towards the exit, I throw my cup into a trash can and slowly keep shuffling behind Liz. I feel bad, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, she just knows that rock bands are not exactly who I am. My blond hair sways from both sides and I finally grip it in my hands pulling it over my shoulder. The long curls dangle on my chest and then quickly fall onto my back once again swaying side to side.

My camera slowly bounces around my neck whenever I take a step, making me feel slightly more annoyed than my hair situation. Voices are still yelling throughout the parking lot, drunk people scurrying to their cars, trying to find them at least. I laugh a little causing Liz to turn around giving me a questionable look. My shoulders simply shrug  and I step to the side of her not wanting to trail her any longer.

"Liz! Is that you?" A girls voice shrieks from behind us and we both spin around to see who it is.

"Oh my god! Tarrah!" Liz runs up to the group the girl is surrounded by and takes her in her arms, giving her a warm embrace. They laugh together and neither of them pull away from the hug. Liz's back was facing me, her brown hair slipping out of the braid I had done before the show. The strap of her little purse was slipping off of her shoulder but she didn't seem to mind. What was going on? Who was this?

My feet were stuck in place. I had no idea who these people are or who Tarrah is. I feel awkward, staring down at my feet I hear someone call my name.

"Come here Addy I want you to meet these guys." Liz's smile now wider than earlier, her teeth simply glowing. Seeing my friend so happy made me feel obligated to smile back and not ruin her night anymore. I look back down at my feet, trying to muster up some courage and not be shy.

"Addy this is my childhood friend Tarrah. I haven't seen her since I left home." The girl had a couple tattoos inked on her arm and a little stud piercing on her nose. Her hair was black and shaven off of one side. I can see why they were friends.

Tarrah seemed to be exactly like Liz. A little edgy with their style, careless of what others thought. They were both beautiful despite the pictures they had needled onto their bodies and piercings stuck into their skin.

"Hi, I'm Addy, super good to meet you." I reach out my hand for her to shake but she gives me a confused look. Stifled laughs came from the group behind her and I feel my cheeks heat up. My hand drops and I turn my head away, feeling embarrassed and slightly offended.

She pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear,"Don't worry about the assholes behind me. They're not as cruel as they look." An awkward laugh falls from my lips as we pull away from the hug. Liz still has a smile on her face as well as Tarrah.

"Liz these are my friends. Mingle upon them, you might find one you like." They both laugh and I watch and listen as Liz asks each member of the group for their name.

They each had their own edge to them. All seeming to not care about others though. I was never one to be careless. I always wanted to look my best and be my best, apart from the fact I was shy. Not always am I like that. Just around people I know I don't fit in with.

"Names Niall, good to meet you girls." He smiles and nods at Liz and I, he seems sweet. His blond hair is matted down a bit, sticking to his forehead, icy blue eyes peeking through his lashes.

Another boy is covered in a scruffy beard and mumbles he goes by Ty. He seems to not feel well, his face pale, turning slightly green. I took in his full appearance noticing something on his shoes. My nose scrunched when I realize what it is. Yep, he is definitely not feeling well.

Two girls in the circle walk closer to us to introduce themselves. One goes by Leila. Preferably Lei, she says. She has gray hair, with terribly grown in roots. Her lip pierced and  she has tattoos littering her exposed arms.

The other has a simple face, no piercings or extreme hair cut, just simple auburn hair thats waved in a messy way. She flips her hair over her shoulder, properly displaying the large dragon or lizard tattoo she had running down her neck. "I'm Sage." She smiles and I smile back. I look at them both and run one of my hands up and down my arm, feeling a little out of place.

Sage turns around and grabs a boy by the arm that was standing behind her. She drags him towards us, she hit his arm and he rolls his eyes.

His skin is glistening with a light sweat, his loosely curled hair framing and sticking to his face. The navy shirt that sticks to his body is damp, it hangs low, dipping down just enough to see some of his tattoos on his chest. Dark brown boots were clanking against the floor as he rocks a little on the balls of his feet and his black ripped jeans clinging tightly to his legs. His body is toned but not huge, lean but not small and his looks are breathtaking in the most sexy way.

"I'm Harry." His accent is thick, and coated with annoyance.

so there's the first chapter, I really hope you like it. there will be drama and love obviously. they'll grow with one another and yes they'll find love and have sex. it would be considered "mature"

{I do understand that this is just like any other college girl/ Harry Styles fanfic but this story consists of my own ideas and I put a lot of work into the chapters and came up with the plot on my own. Inspiration is sparked here and there by quotes or movie scenes but this is MY own and original story.}

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