Thank You

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My biggest 'thank you' to all those who have joined me on the journey off Addy and Harry:

So, it's my last authors note for Muse.. sad thing for me to have to say. But it's been a real privilege to be able to write a story I personally love and be able to post it on here for anyone who cares enough to read it.

It feels like just yesterday I was planning out what was going to happen in the third chapter. I'd talk it over with one of my friends and we'd brainstorm together. She really contributed a lot to this story, she also commented on and favorited every chapter and I couldn't be luckier to have such a great support system. So thank you, C. You know who you are. Love you buddy.

I'd also like to thank the unknown user who has commented on and favorited every single chapter too. You have no idea how much that means to me. It's so wonderful to know someone enjoys the things I write. All my love to you. Again, you should know who you are, I thanked you not too long ago for all the love you've shown this story. It means so much, thank you.

Thank you to the people in my life who got a starring role in this story. I know more than half of those people don't have any clue wattpad exists, but they helped me create this story whether they meant to or not. Thanks to the fuck boys who played me and used me, you gave me experiences that I could write about, helped with the explicit scenes a ton. Thanks to the hot quarterback who made me breathless everyone he walked past, you were just too hot not to put in my story. Thank you to the rude girls who were nothing but snots, I easily wrote your attitude down and captured it for the story. And thank you to the friends who have read this story and shown me so much love throughout my life, you made writing about love not too mysterious at all. Although I've never admittedly been in love with the guys I've had flings with, being able to write about it and basing that love off of the love my friends have given me made things not so hard.

If that even makes sense..

Thank you to everyone who's read this, loved it, even hated it. I wouldn't be where I am today. I wanted to put a story up on wattpad for myself, not for the reads, but seeing as I've now received 3K I couldn't feel more proud of myself and my characters. I hope you fell in love with them just as much as I did. I hope I could make you feel all of their feelings and you were able enjoy their journey of life with them. I hope I was able to transfer you into an entirely different world. I hope I did what reading should do to everyone, make everything seem a little bit happier and a little bit more magical.

"The purpose of fiction is to combat loneliness."

That quote couldn't be more true. It's one of my favorites.

Sending all my love and thanks to each and every person who stumbles upon this book.

Thank you.

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