Chapter Thirty One

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The room is silent, both of us lying there speechless. Does he want me to say it back? Did he even mean it?

Part of me is dying to tell him I love him too, but are either of us really ready for this? I feel like a part of me has loved Harry from the very beginning, even when he was an ass.

I obviously have feelings for him.

I love him.

"Jesus, Addy. Say something." He sighs, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I love you too." I say and a long sigh of relief slips from his mouth.

"Really? You're not just saying it because I did?"

"Of course not, Harry. I love you." I say.

"Fuck, it feels good to finally say it. I love too." He whispers back and tangles his strong arms around my naked body.

To finally say it? How long as he known?


I peel my eyes open and stretch my body out. I glance over to my side and find Harry already staring at me through hooded eyes.

A small smile creeps onto his lips and I can only try to hold my huge one back.

Last night was better than I could've ever imagined. We both said I love you, and he said it first. Harry told me he loves me first.

My mind is blown from all this change that has occurred in him over this short amount of time. But when I think about it, a lot of change has happened in me too.

"Are you hungry?" He whispers, his voice cracking slightly yet still sounding so smooth.

"Kind of, are you gonna cook for me?" I ask, laughing a little.

First sex, then he says I love you and now he's going to cook me breakfast?

"Hell no. I was going to say we should go out for breakfast." He laughs and starts to sit up in the bed.

Our groggy laughs fill his bedroom and we both climb out of the warm, inviting bed and attempt to get appropriate.

We head into a small diner just across the street from his apartment. I pick a booth and slide into one side, waiting for Harry to slide into the other. But he doesn't. He scoots right up next to me and takes my hand in his, slowly bringing it up to kiss my knuckles.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Harry." I tease and nuzzle up next to him, my head on his shoulder.

"He's still here, baby." He confirms and slides a hand quickly up my thigh and pressing into the seam of my jeans.

My legs snap together and I push him away laughing. Yea, he's still here.

"Should I take you back to the dorms? Just to get clothes and stuff. You can stay with me again tonight. Um, if you want." He nervously chokes out and I smile at his sweetness.

We've just eaten and he insisted on paying.

"Okay, sounds good to me. Just drop me off and then I'll drive over tonight." He nods and slips his hand into mine as if we've been holding each other forever.

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