Chapter Twenty One

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my friends said this song reminded them of this chapter bc they're in a bathroom sink lol


"We really shouldn't be in here right now." Harry says, his voice low and his face half hidden in my neck.

I try to step back but I'm stopped from the door behind me. My heartbeat is fast and loud and I'm sure he can hear it.

"I know." I whisper to him.

He presses his body close to mine, grinding our hips together and a gasp leaves me lips.

"Yet here we are. Together in a bathroom. All alone."

My breath hitches as he runs his hands along my body viciously. People might notice we're both missing. Isn't he worried? Doesn't he care if people find out?

"Who knows you're in here?" he asks, voice pitched low and dangerous, his eyes dark and glimmering in the light as he pulls his face away from my neck.

"Carson." I whisper. "Harry, he knows. He knows what's going on between us."

"It's fine baby, relax. Fuck him, I don't care. He doesn't scare me."

I let out a sigh and close my eyes, trying to calm myself down. I had gotten so worked up about Harry being pissed off yet here he is, careless about what Carson knows and thinks.

Harry plants one of his hands against the wall beside my head and leans in. I can feel his warm breath against my face.

"We have to hurry if we don't want anyone else founding out, hm?" He whispers, his other hand trailing down my side and gripping my waist.

Harry already reeks of alcohol, as if he's had a dozen drinks already and sweat. He also smells like he normally does. His regular scent enticing. But here, now, mixed with all the other unpleasant smells, it shouldn't be so alluring. Yet it is.

His eyes bore into mine and I feel myself getting more and more turned on by the second and he's barely touched me. His chest is rising up and down steadily, for now, deciding what he's going to do.

"Harry we can't, we'll get caught. I'm not ready for this to end." I sigh.

"Tell me no, then." He demands. "Tell me no, that you don't want me, Addy." His voice is rough and my knees shake slightly at his words.

I can't bring myself to lie to him and deny myself something I so desperately want. I don't speak and he knows by my wordless stare and frantic breathes that I in fact do want him.

"Thought so." He mumbles.

My heart stops and the same fire that always ignites when I'm with him sparks when he leans down and encases my lips with his. His hand that was flat against the door moments ago is now tangled in my hair, pulling my head off the wood and closer to his face. A moan trickles from my lips and I huff loudly into the kiss, earning a sigh from him.

"You're so sexy." Harry whispers into my mouth, taking the hand that was resting on my hip and pushing up my shirt until his hand cups one of my breasts entirely. He squeezes roughly, and I moan into his mouth, my hands gripping his shirt in attempts to pull him closer. My entire body is on fire when he pulls back and bites at my bottom lip, barely soothing it over with his tongue before he's kissing me again.

His breath is heavy and soon enough he growls, pulling at the hem of my tank top, frustrated with its job to conceal my body. He lifts it over my head and tosses it onto the floor leaving me in my bra everyone saw a little bit ago.

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