Chapter Sixteen

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the shirt Harry is wearing.

"Wait Addy!" Someone calls me.

It's Harry. His window is rolled down and I walk back towards his car. Did I leave something?

"Yea?" I ask him.

"What's your number?"

My heart flutters at the simple question, I'm not exactly sure why but the fact he wants my number makes me happy.

We exchange numbers and I awkwardly stand outside his car, peering in through the window, waiting to see if he's going to say anything else. But he doesn't speak, so I ask the question that's running through both of our minds.

"What is this, Harry?" I ask him. My hand gesturing between us.

"I don't know, friends who do stuff together I guess." He mumbles.

"So friends with benefits?" I clarify.

"Pretty much." He shrugs, "But we'll have to keep it on the down low. I don't really need people knowing. You good with that?"

I stand there for a moment, trying to decide if I am okay with something like this or not. Am I really willing to fuck around with someone, no strings attached? And on top of that keep it all a secret? Refrain from telling anyone? Probably not let's be honest, it sounds pretty difficult, but I want him bad and in a way,
he wants me too.

"Yes, I'm okay with it." I smile and turn around, walking into the building without looking back before I can change my mind.


Liz didn't come home last night, she probably stayed with Tarrah or ended up with some random boy.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what I'm going to do today. Do I text Harry? Probably not. We're not in a relationship like that, we only text each other for sex. Or in this case, blow jobs and fingering.

Going to the mall sounds fun right now, but I should probably stop using all of my money. Being a college student isn't all it's cracked up to be, you feel like you're broke half the time, which I pretty much am.

Hannah just paid me for filming their first look video and I got a pretty nice amount, so now I'm going to go treat myself. I deserve it.

The drive to the nearest mall is about ten minutes away and I take my time getting there. I arrive and wonder around the mall, not looking for anything specific. They have a good amount of stores here and I go inside when I see something I might like from the window.

After spending almost two hours at the mall I walk away with a couple shirts, a new pair of pants and some lunch. Eating alone in the food court made me feel weird so I grabbed some Chinese to go.

The dorm is the same way I left it, empty. No liz in sight. I hurry and change into some black pajama shorts and a light pink almost white, baggy t shirt. I climb onto my bed once all my new clothes are put away and dive into my lunch. It's kind of dinner now, I didn't realize how late it was when I finally decided to go to the mall. It's about seven, I'm not sure how I didn't notice.

My meal is completely devoured, the take out box practically clean, so I head to the kitchen to throw it away. My feet are cold against the tile and I run back to my room to cover them with black fuzzy socks.

Right as I'm about to snuggle under my covers and watch a movie, there's a knock on the door. Liz probably forgot her key and is now finally deciding to come home.

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