Chapter Twelve

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this pic has nothing to do with anything hahah

Niall insists he should start us off and putts the ball beautifully, not that I know a thing about golf. Niall and Carson seem to be in a competition and honestly I'm not surprised. When it comes to boys, there is no such thing as a friendly game.

Everyone seems to be doing well on the first hole but I'm a bit nervous to go. I volunteer to go last and now I wish I would've just gotten it over with.

No one was ever really big on golfing back home, even mini golf. One time when I was little I went mini golfing with my cousin for her birthday, I got hit right in the nose with the club. I only went one other time after that, but here I am today, standing far away from any swinging clubs.

"Your turn!" Liz smiles at me once she's done.

I step up to the small ball and tap it lightly, not wanting it to go past the hole. It rolls past the others and falls into the hole.

"Hey I did it!" I yell excitedly swinging the golf club into the air.

As I bring my club down from the air it comes in contact with Harry's arm. His hand rests on his hip allowing his elbow to be the perfect target.

"Fuck.." He mumbles, clearly aggravated and in pain.  He clutches his elbow with his other hand and lets the golf club fall to the ground.

I let go of mine as well and cover my mouth with my hands, shocked by what just happened.

"Shit, Harry I am so sorry, I-"

"It's fine." He huffs, cutting me off.

We're onto the sixth hole and my beginners luck has worn off. I have given up on every single one since the first, the hole in one was too good to be true, now I can't make it in for the life of me.

I attempt this hopeless game once again and putt the ball, it rolls about 8 feet away from the hole and I want to throw my golf club. That obviously wouldn't be a good idea though, considering I hurt Harry by doing something similar only a little bit ago.

"Guys I suck at this game, I don't even come close." I say, annoyed at how frustrating this is.

"Yea, you're the worst golfer here!" Niall squeals. I wave him off and stick my nose in the air. He's only good because he plays all the time, so does Carson.

"Just try again." Tarrah says reassuringly.

I walk over to the ball and get into a stance, a stance I am sure is completely wrong.

Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me, hands resting on top of my own, holding the stem of the club. The front of their body is pressed up against the back of mine and I can't find it in me to move away, a part of me hoping it's Harry.

"Relax, you're too tense." Someone chuckles behind me.


If it's possible for my body to tense up more, it does in this moment.

He pulls me closer into him and he slowly draws our hands and arms backwards, he swings them forward, tapping the ball lightly but hard enough to force it to roll up next to the hole.

A breath I didn't know I was holding is let go once he moves away from me. Being so close to him was nerve wracking. I barely know him.

"Go on, go knock it in!" He cheers.

I smile back and walk over to the ball, tapping it into the hole.

I drop my golf club excitedly and skip over to Carson, flinging my arms around his neck. Instantly his arms wrap around my waist.

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