Chapter Thirty

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Okay, so there's no classy way to say penis, dick or cock. So like, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry just don't read it lol. Also, there's no cute way to say vagina so I just don't say it at all. Haha I think I make the context pretty obvious so I don't have to say it but ya know, anyway, just thought I'd clear that up haha.
Happy Reading!

Harry struggles to unlock the door while our lips are locked together. He doesn't seem too worried anyone will walk past us and notice, so I push the paranoia from my mind and just go with it. If someone were to walk past us, here in the hallway, would they even care? Probably not.

Honestly, Harry would probably take me right here if I let him.

Finally he pushes the door open and we both stumble inside. I clutch his arms to keep me steady, my high heels not giving me much balance.

My body is shoved against the entry ways wall and Harry firmly presses himself against me. I let my hands tangle into his hair but he quickly grips my wrists, our lips still meshed together, and pins my arms above my head.

"Don't touch me unless I say you can, got it?" His breath fans over my lips and my parted mouth let's out a soft sigh.

The last time I've seen him so dominant was in the bathroom at the frat house. When he ate me out on the sink counter, and I loved every minute of it.

"I said, got it?" He says more firmly, shoving me even harder against the wall if that's even possible.

"Yes. I understand." I whine and refrain from rubbing my hips against his.

"Good." He mutters quietly.

His hands leave my wrists above my head, trusting me to keep them there and he grips onto my hip bones to get more friction between us.

I bite my lip, holding in the moan that's dying to rattle out and of course Harry notices.

"Let it out, baby. Say my name." He coos and instantly I moan out his name.

My hands slide down and grip his shoulders, causing him to come to a halt and give me a glare.

His body disconnects from mine and we both  stare at each other. My eyes are wide in anticipation. What's he going to do? I disobeyed his rule.

But he does nothing. We stay there still. I take matters into my own hands and reach forward, pulling him back into me by his shoulders.

"You're being a very naughty girl, I told you not to touch." He growls into my neck and quickly slams my hands back above my head.

Oh god.

"I-I'm sorry, Harry. I just want to make you feel good." I whisper. And instantly he allows me to touch him. "Don't you want to feel my hands around you? Feel my lips around you?"

His eyes roll shut and his hands slide down to my waist, squeezing harshly, his nails digging into the fabric of my dress.

"Let me touch you." My tongue trail his jaw lightly and he sucks in a breath, trying to refrain from a moan. "Just imagine my fingers pumping you, my lips wrapped around your big, hard cock."

Who the fuck am I?

"Fuck Addy, suck me already." He begs.

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