Chapter Thirty Four

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It's been a month since Harry and I started our break. We've seen each other around but we rarely talk. I'm not sure if we're going to get back together at this point.

He promised me that I wouldn't lose him. I really hope I don't. He's the love of my life. I know that for a fact.

I can feel it.

Every now and then we'll end up sitting by each other in our classes but we never say much, we just sit in each other's presence. I know he still loves me, just as much as I love him but I'm dying for this break to end.

He never said how long it would last. We never went over that together.

LANY just announced their tour dates. They're coming here in a a year and then coming back in a few more years. I was dying to tell Harry the second I found out.

It sucks, when you can't tell the person you love the most your exciting news.

When we decided to take a break I thought he just meant from sleep overs and kissing but I guess he meant a full on break.

And I am not a fan.

The only people who text me anymore is my mom, she'll occasionally ask me how things are going with school.

All I ever do is go to my classes and head back to the dorms right after. Every now and then I'll visit the library. But lately my life has been boring. These past three weeks, this horrid month, it needs to end.

I'm sitting on my bed doing homework in my pajamas when there's a small knock at my door.

It's the knock I've been waiting to hear since the day we both walked away.

"Harry?" I ask

"Hey Adds." He smiles and peeks his head in.

"I'm just doing homework." I say dumbly. I don't even know what to say anymore. We've barely talked this entire month.

"I can see that." He laughs, "I was just coming over to ask if I could take you on a date?"

"A date?" I ask, a smile pulling at my lips.

"A date." He confirms.

"I would love that."

"Good. Get ready then, it's in ten minutes." He smiles.

I pick through my closet looking for anything to wear and decide on a striped t shirt dress. I comb through my hair and call it good.

"Alright, where to?" I ask him.

"First dinner and then the next stop is surprise."

We pull into a very familiar parking lot and I notice it's the same place we came to one of the first times we hung out with everyone.

The memories come flooding back and I realize this is where I spilt my water on him. I laugh to myself as we get out of the car and a waitress takes us to a booth.

"Remember when I-"

"Spilled water on me?" Harry cuts me off and begins to laugh, "How could I forget?"

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