Chapter Four

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When we first came into the room someone offered me another drink and I gladly took it. I slowly sip it as we all get into a circle. Most everyone has picked dare so far, and every time someone is dared I take a drink, hoping to wash away my nerves.

"Truth or dare?" Niall smirks at Sage.

"Dare." She answers.

"I dare you to take off a piece of clothing whenever someone picks dare."

"Okay whatever." All the perverted boys in the circle snickered, excited for the upcoming strip show.

"Addy truth or dare?" Sage says.

"Uh truth?" Moans fell from the everyone's mouth, bored by my choice.

"How many boys have you slept with?"

My cheeks began to redden at the thought. None. I'd never slept with anyone before. Sure I've messed around a little but never had sex.


My answer catches the attention of most the people in the room. The boys eyeing me, probably wondering when they could get me into bed.

The game slowly goes on and I don't pay much attention, Sage is now down to being in her lace bra and extremely short skirt, every now and then a boy trying to lift it up to peek at her panties.

People start to file in and out, getting bored of the game but then realizing there was nothing better to do. That's when he walks in. Harry. His hair is pushed back into a bun at the crown of his head, a black shirt hanging loosely on his chest, a silver chain necklace tucked inside. The same pants and boots I saw him in yesterday cover the lower half of his body.

"Styles! Where you been man?" A guy in the circle shouts.

"Doesn't matter I'm here now Ryan." Harry took Ryan's hand in his, roughly shaking it.

"Did I miss anything interesting?" His eyes met mine and quickly shift to Sage's almost completely exposed chest. His tongue darts out of his mouth, swiping it across his lips, he sits down in between Sage and Ryan, "Come on, someone give me a dare"

"Harry I dare you to take umm," he glances around the room, eyes landing on me and a devilish smile sneaking onto his lips, "I dare you to take the virgin upstairs." My stomach flips and panic comes over me. I feel Liz grab my hand, sending a death glare towards the boy we don't know.

Harry begins to ask who "the virgin" is but Ryan leans over to whisper something. My eyes are glued to Harry, waiting for him to make a disgusted remark. Ryan pulls away from his ear, Harry quickly leaning forward to see me hidden behind Sage's body.

A flash of recognition comes across his face, then he rolls his eyes. Great.

"Josh don't be a dick. That isn't funny, pick someone else." Tarrah says.

Josh, the boy who put me in this awkward situation, tells her to fuck off and then begins looking for a new victim. Relief quickly washing over me.

Sage stands up reaching for Harry's hand, "Fine, I'll go." A satisfied smile sat on their faces as they both begin to walk away, excited to hook up. Our eyes follow them as Sage stumbles around in her bra and skirt, her one too many beers affecting her balance.

I want to go outside, to get some fresh air. I feel a little warm. I lean towards Liz letting her know where I would be and stand up. As I start to leave I hear a boy mumble something at me, I chose to ignore it and keep walking, I'm sure it was rude. Everyone in the house is insanely drunk, not being able to tell their right from left. Someone stumbles into me, then falling over on the ground. I step over their body and presume my journey.

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