Chapter Six

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There was only one bathroom back in the hallway he had disappeared into, it was a family one. I reach for the handle, unsure of whether I want it to be unlocked or not.

The door knob twists letting me know he didn't bother locking it. I push it and step inside, quickly shutting it behind me.

His eyes lock with mine, he seems pissed.

My mouth opens but nothing comes out. His intense gaze bores into me. He's just watching me, waiting for me to say something stupid so he can yell at me I'm sure. I shouldn't have came in here.

"I'm sorry." I mutter and turn around reaching for the door knob.

"You should be."

Really? I spill a little bit of water on him, an accident, and now he's all hurt?

"You know what? Maybe I'm not sorry. I actually think you might've deserved it. You've been rude to me since the first day we met and I haven't done anything. I'm already sick of you treating me like this. Our friends are friends which means we'll be seeing each other a lot, so can't we be friends too? Instead of you pissing me off?" I ramble.

He steps closer to me and I begin to back up, hitting against the door. We're only inches away.

"You lay a hand on me I swear to god Harry I'll-"

His lips press against mine, cutting me off. A fire ignites inside me. His palms run up and down my sides, pushing me flat against the door. I squirm under his touch but have no intention on breaking the heated kiss.

His hands drop to his sides and his mouth disconnects with mine. He reaches for the handle and pulls the door open, brushing me off to the side.

The door closes behind him and I'm left there in awe. What just happened?

I try to compose myself and hurry out of the bathroom. As I walk back to the booth I can hear them talking.

"What did she say to you?" Niall laughs.

"She just was bitching at me for being annoyed, I don't know." Harry says.

Oh. I guess that kiss wasn't meant to mean anything. Maybe he just did it to shut me up?

I don't want to look like an idiot so I won't bring it up, he'll probably just deny it anyway. And it would be his word over mine.

I slide in next to Liz and stare down at my lap the rest of the time. Every now and then when they ask me something I'll mumble a one word answer, I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

The waitress brings everyone the check and we split it. I follow behind everyone to the car.

"Do you guys want to come over to my dorm?" Tarrah asks as we climb into the car. Everyone says yes, except for me.

"Actually can you just drop me off at mine? I have some things to get done before I go home tomorrow." I ask.

"Oh come on Addy! It's Sunday, just come hang out." Liz whines.

"I want to, really, but I have to pack for the whole week." I lie.

I don't want to go and I really only have to pack for four days. I'm heading home to film a first look video since it is my job after all.

Filming is something I really enjoy, especially when it deals with couples. They have this insane amount of love for each other and it makes me happy. I can't wait until I can finally find that type of love. The type where you would do anything and everything for that one person.

Not the type where you're nothing without them but the type where you are significantly better with them.

"If she has stuff to do we'll take her back to the dorm." Harry huffs.

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