Chapter Twenty Seven

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I decided to not go to class yesterday. I was already super late and there was no point in going. Harry was sweet and offered to take me but I just had him take me home. He, on the other hand, wanted to be responsible and make his last class, oh how the tables have turned.

It's Tuesday now. I finished up my classes today and have been wallowing around the dorm. Liz wouldn't be home until later and there's honestly nothing to do.

Laundry is scattered across my floor so I toss it into a basket. I guess I should probably do some cleaning. I haven't done that for a little while.

Eventually I get sick of tiding my room and just stare at the full basket of laundry. I don't want to do it. Laundry is the worst.

Right as I bend over to pick up the basket my phone dings. I glance over at my night stand where my phone is sitting and see the screen lit up.

It's a text from Harry. I read the message and he's asking to hang out. Harry actually texting me and asking me to hang out. Wow.

I tell him yes and he says he's on his way shortly after. Usually he just shows up, I'm surprised he even asked.

I lay down on my bed face first and wait for Harry to get here. The door is left unlocked and sooner than later I hear it click open signaling that he's here.

"Hi." I mumble, still laying on my bed and not looking up at him.

"Hey. What's up?" He asks.

"Well, I was going to do my laundry, but I have zero motivation to do it and the idea of sitting at the washer all day and pay does not sound fun." I laugh and curl my legs under my stomach so my ass is up in the air.

Harry's hands grip each cheek and he squeezes lightly before laying down next to me and speaking.

"Come to my apartment and do it, I've got my own machine." He beams. I shift my gaze to his and laugh at his adorable face, he looks like he's begging.

"Do I have to pay you?" I ask jokingly.

"Yes, but not with money." He cheekily smiles and I find myself quickly getting off the bed and grabbing my laundry basket.

"Let's go then." I say and he stands up walking towards me taking the basket from my hands and heading to the door.

"So eager." He laughs and we both leave the building. 

He pulls open the back door of his car and sets the laundry basket on the seat inside, then climbing into the front. We pull out of the parking lot and I suddenly recall the fact that Harry doesn't take people to his home. Never. My stomach fills with butterflies and I can't help but smile to myself and feel all giddy inside.

"What?" He says, glancing over at me and noticing my smile.

"Huh? Nothing. Thanks for letting me do my laundry at your apartment." I say sweetly.

"Anytime." He shrugs and we continue to drive to the place he hides at.

We pull up to a pretty building and I can't help but feel shocked. He lives here? It looks super expensive. He probably feels the confusion and surprise in the air as it radiates off of me and he speaks up.

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