Chapter Ten

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It's my first day today.

Laying here in my bed my stomach is already churning, my nerves doubling by the second. My hearts beating faster than a freight train and I have no idea why I'm this nervous. I know my first class starts in about an hour, at eleven, but here I lay still in my pajamas not willing to move an inch.

Eventually I roll myself off the bed, literally, and lay on the floor for a few minutes. If this is what it's going to be like every morning I don't know if I should be in college.

I'm here to get my bachelors degree in film production. I don't necessarily have any wish to become some famous movie producer but if that opportunity were to stumble upon me I may as well take it.

Liz's class started earlier than mine so she's already left the dorm. I wish she was still here I could use a first day pep talk. I grab my books and shove them into my bag and head towards the door. I stop in front of it, not opening it yet.



I can do this.

I twist open the handle and make my way to my first class of the day, English Composition. It's more along the lines of introduction to writing properly, it was a highly recommended class for my degree.

The walk to the building is pretty short and campus is cluttered with students. Some are stopped in the middle of the sidewalk in small groups talking, others scattering the grassy area and laying down.

It's a warm day today and I'm grateful for that. I can't even imagine having to walk around during winter. I'll certainly freeze to death.

There are more empty seats than filled and I'm not exactly sure why. There's three minutes until it starts. I take a seat on the edge a little towards the back, feeling too anxious to sit in the very front of very back.

Our professor walks in and she's got her hair pulled back into a pony tail and green bunched dress that does not flatter her body. Her black stilettos click against the carpet floors and in her hand is a jar with a spoon sticking out of it.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Professor Blake. Today I'm going to explain what we will cover in this class and what I expect from you all." She says.

Her attitude is somewhat negative and she gives off a self centered vibe. I'm not sure if I'll like her but I really hope I don't end up hating her.

She continues to explain how she is not here to babysit and refuses to nag at us when we are failing. We are adults and we need to take responsibility. She will not tolerate any late work or anything that is not up to her standards. Her words not mine. She states very clearly that if we are going to be late and interrupt her teaching, we may as well not come. Barging in after class has already begun is very disrespectful and she will not have it. Once again, her words not mine.

She seems like she will be a good professor, picky but excellent. An assignment is already being handed out and groans echo through the room.

"Aw poor kids. You are in college now, buck up." She says.

We all go to work on our assignment on how to properly formulate a thesis and she sits at her desk messing around on her computer. I noticed earlier she has no ring on her finger, she seems pretty old and I find it somewhat sad she's alone. Well, as far as I know.

I feel like I've been sitting here forever she won't let us leave early and more than half the class has finished. Do we really need English for two and a half hours?

She finally lets us leave but it's right on the dot and not a minute early. Her strict rules are starting to ruin my expectation of college. If all of my classes and professors are like her I'm not sure I can tolerate it all.

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