Chapter Thirty Three

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Addy's POV

I've been hiding in my room ever since Harry called me that night and basically broke up with me.

I have no idea what he was talking about or what happened, all I know is I'm heartbroken.

To say I love him so much it hurts is an understatement. And just the idea of us not being together tears me apart.

When I get back to the dorms I'm going to have to talk to him. Figure out what the hell is going on. Because as far as I know I apparently fucked Carson and that is the furthest thing from the truth.

That asshole called me names and treated me the way my brother does.

I'd never even think to let him do anything with my body.

But someone seems to have convinced Harry otherwise, and I'm sure Carson is the one who did. I'm almost confident that Harry and I can work it out, but he sounded so hurt on the phone I'm not sure when we'll have the chance to or when he'll even want to be in the same room as me.

He was pretty much told he wasn't good enough and that's one of his biggest fears.

Sitting in my room I can't help but cry. What if things don't work out? What if this is the end for us?

As I hold back sobs and try to be as quiet as possible, my door knob slowly twists open and I'm sure it's probably my mother wondering if I'm okay.

Which I am not.

But when the haunting face peeks out from behind the door, my stomach drops.

My older brother.

"What do you need?" I ask, trying to not start a fight.

"Why are you crying?" He asks.

"Like you care."

"I do."

"Well, I think the guy I'm in love with just broke things off with me." More tears fall once I say it out loud and I can't help but want to dig a hole and live under a rock forever.

"You're kidding." He replies, his face serious.


"That's some funny shit." He bursts into laughter and my heart shatters then and there.

"No, it's not. Please just go away." I cry even harder and attempt to push my door shut and get it locked so I'll no longer be disturbed.

"It is funny. It's funny you thought someone could ever love you back. A boyfriend? Please. Someone not related to you loving you back. It's a giant joke!" Who the hell says this to someone? I begin to hate him and more and hate myself the more he speaks.

"Just because you don't believe in love and no one has ever loved you doesn't mean it's not real and it can't happen for me!" I scream at him and anger fills his eyes.

"Don't act like you even know me." He growls.

"I do, I do know you. And I wish I didn't. I know that you're one of those sad guys who is never going to have a life because you're too damn lazy to know how to live one. And I know that you're never going to find love again because the one girl you did love, you treated her like shit! So don't tell me that I don't know you because I do, you're a jerk and you treat me as if I'm nothing and I am something. Don't ever degrade me. I'm standing up for myself finally because I do not deserve to be hated by my own goddamn brother!"

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