Hate Being Called King

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~Sorry I missed this chapter the first time, EDITED~

Eren's POV:

I raced over the rooftops, zigzagging, backtracking and circling a few times, doing everything I could to throw the trackers off my trail. Finally I made it to the river, a small bridge stretched over it, I took a dive off the bridge, washing my scent away and quickly exiting the river, making my way back to the base."A-Armin" I spoke breathlessly, feet flying over the ground, hands gripping the branches of the trees carefully as I swung over bushes.

"Eren! Its safe! What the hell were you thinking?! Jean and Mikasa told me! Connie just checked in, he sounded exhausted. He made it to the second safe base, and is coming back now" Armin blurted all at once, his voice continuing to chatter things I didn't get to listen to, I only focused on running, not letting my pace falter as I jumped over rocks and tried to keep my feet from the ground as much as possible. Soon I jumped into a tree, travelling between a path of them towards the darkest part of the district. "I am going to talk to Connie when I get back" I said out of breath, I looked back and saw no pursuers which made me only go faster. "I'm about to enter Sea, make sure no one is following" I rasped to Armin and jumped into a open space in the trees, chest burning as I paused, standing restlessly in one spot as Armin checked my surroundings.

"Its fine, go now" Armin soon said, the words causing me to kick into action instantly. I ran to the edge of the clearing and uncovered a hole, diving into the small opening quickly and covered it over again. I stumbled forward a few paces before falling to my knees, hands digging into the earth as I coughed and wheezed.

"Eren!" I looked up and saw Mikasa running down the mud path towards me, Jean close behind her. They got to me and hoisted me up, putting my arms around their shoulders.

"Guys I'm fine...just exhausted" I muttered and took my arms back, legs shaking slightly but I pushed it aside. "We can't talk here" I said and walked forward, Mikasa and Jean walked behind me, keeping their eyes on me the whole time. We walked for about three minuets, just down. Down down and down some more, the further we got in, the more reinforced the walls were. I started to hear the hum of machines and the clanking of workers, finally emerging into the large space that we called home.

We had an over view of our home, there was a large building in the middle of an underground space, the area having an older rustic feeling but looking intimidatingly sturdy nonetheless

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We had an over view of our home, there was a large building in the middle of an underground space, the area having an older rustic feeling but looking intimidatingly sturdy nonetheless. "Where is he" I barked angrily, chest no longer burning but heart still at a considerable pace.

"Who? Connie?" Jean questioned walking after me quickly, making my body twitch.

"No Jean, the muffin man, yes Connie" I snapped and jumped down the small hill and on the bridge leading into the main building, Jean spluttering out that Connie was in the infirmary, making me order him to go grab the bald boy. In the main building everything we needed was housed here, homes, heat, light. We had made deals with some of the above-ground rebels to share food in exchange for safety. There were shops and homes outside of the main building too, streets weaving in and out of the rocks and shops and homes lining the streets as well, the city had a soft hum of peace that made me calm down already. We had a whole economy here, a strong community, a community the Masked couldn't even imagine was here. We weren't the only group, we were simply the only ones with an underground safe hold, or the Sea as we like to call it. 

"King Jeager" Some guards saluted as I walked into the large main hall, "Chief General, Commander" They also saluted to Jean and Mikasa before Jean left to fetch Connie. I still hated being called King.

"At ease" I said and walked further into the room, being handed my cloak. I swung it around my shoulders and sat down on my seat, the place overlooking a large room that the people could come to ask the Royal family questions at certain times, or even parties. Mikasa was on my right, her hand placed on the sword on her side as she glared at the ground.

"Get him in here" I ordered. Yes, I acted like a King, ordered people around like a King and was treated like one, didn't mean I liked the title.

Connie soon waltzed into the room, ice was pressed to his face and a large bruise over his face and Jean close behind him, who in turn soon walked up to me and stood on my left

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Connie soon waltzed into the room, ice was pressed to his face and a large bruise over his face and Jean close behind him, who in turn soon walked up to me and stood on my left. I stood from my seat as Connie stopped in front of me at the bottom of a few steps. "Connie what the hell were you thinking?" I hissed and stepped towards him, looking down at him in anger.

"Eren lighten up, I got cornered by two guys and some crazy freak! She was all like "OHOHO WE CAUGHT A LITTLE REBEL HAVE WE?"" Connie said while waving his hands around, imitating a voice.

"No. I mean, I have told you many times before that silence is key, and now look what happened. They tracked you first because you were so loud! Hell, you compromised our whole base because you couldn't keep your mouth shut!" I rambled on angrily, Connie scratching the back of his head awkwardly and smiling nervously.


I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder, "Just..get some rest. Don't expect to go out anytime soon" I said annoyed and turned towards the door of the room again, my fingers pressing on the bridge of my nose.

"Yes Sir" he mumbled, I nodded and left the room heading to the main tech base. "Armin, anything?" I said as soon as I entered the room, Armin smiled and looked back at me with a wave.

"Straight to the point like always Eren, and no. I thought I detected some movement on the south side...where you came in, but it was gone before I could pinpoint it. It was a bit large to be prey, but small to be a normal sized man. A woman maybe?" Armin said and pointed to the screen, I looked closely and saw a small shadow, it had a short stature but I couldn't really define anything else, It could be anything really. The thought of that midget crossed my mind but I shook it away, he wouldn't dare would he? 

"Keep close tabs on all the entrances, even the secret ones" I said and ruffled Armin's hair, he yelped and fixed his hair as I left, mumbling something about how he hated it when I did that.

One thing was on my mind as I made my way to the main eating hall. That Masked midget. When I saw him standing over Connie, I was sure it was a woman until I landed on him. He was very muscular under my hands and feet, I was surprised I could hold him down with mere pressure points. He had this air of anger, and everyone around him seemed to be extremely worried for him. More then any Masked person would be for any other normal one of their kind. I had a bad feeling I would cross his path again, and soon.

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