I'm No King To You

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Eren's POV:

"Show me your face" I whispered, my voice carrying around the room and barely hitting the walls, Levi's eyes widened, shaking his head quickly on instinct from the words which caused me to sigh. "Your face is going to get infected if I don't treat the wounds, hell you could get sick." I said quickly, leaning against the wall next to me and watching Levi carefully. I was surprised Levi looked at me again, the stare lasting for a few minuets, just a silence like he was assessing if it was safe, it was worth it.

"I have never shown someone my face before" he said hoarsely, wincing as his talking made the mask shift, "I barely know what it looks like myself" He finished and cast his gaze to his newly wrapped hands, shifting nervously.

I went up to him, placing my hands gently on his neck, "You won't have to do it, I'm not going to hurt you" I said calmly, my fingers feeling the clips at the back of his mask tightly bound to his head. He looked up at me fearfully,"You don't have to be afraid here" I whispered softly, my fingers tilting his head to the side and looking at the clasps, frowning as I saw his hair caught in the clips, "I'm going to, is that alright?" I hummed, looking at his fearful, frozen face.

He swallowed, then nodded slowly as if he couldn't bear to say the words, looking away. I didn't speak either as I fiddled with the never-used clasps on the black mask, finally they opened with a loud snap. Levi gasped, his body starting to shake in fear and his hands going to the black frame and holding it in place, starting to pull away from me until I tugged him back, "Don't be afraid." I said, my fingers slipping under the mask, clipping it off on the other side too. I let him face me, looking directly at his eyes as I pryed the mask from his face for the very first time in his life.

I pulled it away from his face more, spotting him wince as the sharp sides slipped out of his face, a strong scent of pus and blood rising, making me crinkle my nose. I set the mask down next to me and looked back at him fully, gasping slightly at his wrecked face and seemingly permanent frown. Levi looked at me fearfully, as if what I saw would either build his walls of shatter them.

"Y-you're lovely" I murmured, the words slipping off my lips before I could tug them back, slightly stuttering in shock and wonder, Levi looking at me in shock at the words. His face was beautiful. Though, ugly scars and cuts ran at the edges were the mask had harshly cut into his perfectly porcelain skin, his skin was slightly darker on the top of his face then where his mask was, his lips curved into a frown like they have never smiled before in his life. He had a sharp jawline, a petite nose and high cheek bones. My fingers went to his cheeks before I could stop myself, gently feeling the soft untouched skin on his face, lightly brushing over the harsh slices over his cheeks that still oozed.

I pulled back when his hands wrapped around my wrists, tearing my eyes away from his face and turning to the med kit, taking out gauze and disinfectant. My hands worked gently, pressing the disinfectant over the cuts, "Sorry but this will hurt" I whispered and reapplied the cloth, soon his face was clean of infection and I taped gauze over his cheeks and even stitched a few tender places. I stepped back, looking at him as his hands went to his own face, feeling along his jaw and over his cheeks hesitantly.

He looked at me, his mouth opening slightly and gasping at the new sensations, "O-oh..." He stuttered, not sure what to do, he looked a the mask laying on the window sill and reached for it, causing me to grab his wrist gently.

"Never wear that again" I said, he looked at me unsure, looking around the place again like it would turn to a different place now his mask was off.

"B-but I'll die!" He exclaimed, his voice quivering and genuinely afraid, making me frown and take his  shoulders.

"Why the hell would you think that?" I asked seriously.

"There is this shit in the air that makes your brains go haywire...t-thats why Rebels are so...rebelious..." Levi spoke quickly, his words ending off hesitantly like he was finally realizing what was really true.

I snorted, "So that's what they tell you huh" I concluded and crossed my arms, "Well that ain't true, if there was anything harmful in the air Armin would tell us faster then we would die" I added and leaned against the wall again and looked at his tired eyes, his hair still matted and his body slightly shaking still. I smiled slightly and went beside him, picking him up easily and looking at him, Levi squeaking in shock as I carried him over to the bathroom and set him down on the tiled floor, "I assume you know how to shower by yourself" I teased, "I'll leave some clothes for you outside the door, get rid of those awful things" I said and tugged lightly at the constricting uniform he wore.

He looked down and nodded, "Thank you Eren" he whispered before I left, I looked back at him and smirked.

"No sweat Levi" I answered and walked out of the room, I went to my drawer and got out some clothes he could wear. I dropped them by the now closed bathroom door, then going back over to the med kit and picking up Levi's mask. I turned it in my hands, looking at it seriously, narrowing my eyes at it. For some reason I was angry directly at the mask, even if it was an inanimate object it still drove me to squeeze it till one of the straps snapped off.

I went to my door, calling for someone to bring it to Armin and let him run diagnostics over it. As soon as I finished cleaning up the room, I heard the bathroom door open and I looked over, seeing Levi walking out in my shirt and pants, the image causing me to blush lightly, he is adorable. I looked away and stood, going over to him and looking at his bandages. I deemed them fine and led him to my bed, "Sleep, you need it" I said quietly, heading to leave the room so Levi could sleep.

"W-wait" I heard, I stopped and turned to Levi. He looked up at me, his mouth opened but nothing came out, making me rise my eyebrows in question.

He sighed lightly, "Thank you again Er-King" He said formally, my eyes widening in shock when he saluted me, bowing in respect, my hands went to his shoulders and set him straight.

"My name is Eren, use it" I said with a smile, "I'm no King to you"

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