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Eren's POV:

I left the silver in Erwin's chest, stepping back and looking down in fear

I just did that

I just killed Erwin

Why did I feel...Sad?

I looked over at Levi, his hands were up and he was stepping towards me cautiously

I turned to him, both of us stood watching each other carefully

Was this really Levi? Did I just kill the Emperor?

We stared at each other disbelievingly

Until we both ran forward, tackling each other in a bone crushing hug

"Eren Eren Eren oh my word Eren you are safe" Levi said, his arms trapping around me and his breath washing over my neck

I dug my face into his neck, my hands at the back of his head. Tears ran down my face like the broken soul I was. My mask scraping against Levi's skin

Levi's hands went to the sides of my mask, his fingers fumbling

My hands wrapped around his wrists suddenly in fear, "no!" I said shaking my head. Ill get killed, my people will get killed if this mask comes off! Erwin...

"Eren...He's not going to hurt you anymore..." Levi whispered, his hands went to my neck and pulled me down to him again

"We should go" he said and pulled my hands, I followed him, jumping over a still spluttering Erwin

I paused, pulling back from Levi for a moment. He looked back at me with worry

I turned and kicked Erwin hard in the chest, letting out a low scream of anger as I did so. I couldn't stop until Levi hooked his arms under mine, and pulled me out of the room

"He's dead" Levi spoke stiffly, his voice cold with hate at his words. He sounded angry, but I wasn't sure at what

Soon we were both running out of the castle, guards saw us

Yet, they stepped back and bowed in respect. Even seeing my bloody form they nodded their heads, not stopping us

Some of Erwins officals soon started to chase us but by the time they started, we jumped the fence of the castle perimeter and raced as fast as we could away

I was still in this horrible dress, it was high cut and terribly cold. It was now night time, the city slowly falling asleep as the night progressed.

I still couldn't believe this was Levi, my mind almost let me believe it was simply a dream, or I had fallen asleep when I was cleaning

Soon we stopped, compleatly out of breath

Levi turned to me, stepping in front of me and looking at my eyes

"Eren we need to take this off, they are tracking you right now!" He said urgently, his hands going to the sides of my mask again

I looked down at him, shaking with fear but nodding. He was right

Levi clipped the mask from my face, it fell away and Levi threw it as far as he could

He turned back to me, I was covering my face with my hands

He swatted my hands away

His lips connected with mine, it took a second for me to process

Then my hands went to his face, pulling him closer and shutting my eyes as I kissed him back desperately

We kissed until we could kiss no more, breaking apart and instantly dashing away from the spot we were

We ran, hand in hand just bolting our way through the city as fast as we could

Soon we jumped the all too familiar river, running through the Rebel woods

Passing the Rebels hideout, making our way to wherever we could

The night air filled our lungs as we finally stopped at a pool, long green trees sprouting from the ground around the perfectly shimmering pool

Levi and I turned to one another, now simply looking at each other

Levi looked tired, even in this light I could see the bags under his eyes. He had a bag over his shoulder, weapons on his belt and his outfit black and red

My hands went to his face, looking at him. My thumbs running over his cheeks, my eyes looking over his face to make sure I wasnt dreaming. My eyes watered


Simply crying, he came for me. He really did, he saved me. The hot rivers spilled over my eyes and down my cheeks

"Thank you Levi, thank you" I whispered, resting my head on his and closing my eyes

Levi's hands went to my waist, pulling me closer, "anytime Eren..." He said softly, I pulled back and instantly covered myself

I looked away, "I-Im sorry I'm indecent I..." I trailed off as a jacket was put over my shoulders, I looked at Levi's eyes and smiled carefully

"It's alright King, you saved me more times then need be, and saved your people" Levi spoke, his voice quivering lightly as he looked at me

I was slowly breaking, the long slices over my back starting to sting once again, my body aching with lack of food

"You have suffered so much Eren, let's get you home" Levi said, pulling me to him and picking me up bridal style

I didn't protest, I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes

I felt safe now, my pounding heart and watering eyes stilled to be calm as we walked back

My tired limbs soon rested fully, my body leaning into Levi

We soon walked into an underground cavern, the familiar homly smells of the underworld making my mouth turn up in a long forgotten smile

Soon people were upon us, but not just any people

Mikasa, and Jean with a few others raced up to us. I opened my eyes, looking up at them tiredly

"E-Eren..." Jean stuttered, his eyes trained on me in full shock

"Levi...Levi you saved him!" Mikasa said, launching herself at us and hugging us with a large, uncanny smile

"Watch out" Levi said, pulling me closer to himself. We were rushed to the main building, guards around us sheiling me from view of the people

We were both brought to the infirmary, I was separated from Levi but not far

I was placed on a bed, Christa checking me instantly.

Jean and Mikasa stayed outside the room, keeping people out until I was okay

Nurses checked Levi, his eyes never left me as the horrid dress was pulled off me by male nurses, I was helped into much more comfortable robes and sat back down on the bed

My shirt was pulled off and Christa gasped in horror, I looked at the floor, not making a sound as her hands washed, disinfected and stitched up my back

I was given food and water, Levi given the same until we were both full. My face was cleaned, so was his. I wasn't allowed a shower until tomorrow due to the stitches

I was ordered back to my room, to bed. I went to stand until Levi was in front of me instantly

I looked up at him until his arms wrapped around me, picking my thin frame up

He carried my tired self from the room, making his way to my room with guards protecting us the whole way

I was home


Hey, I hope you enjoyed. It was more of a filler, sorry

Dedicated to my sister, StarWolf7

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