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Levi's POV:

Eren was dying, he was dying and Erwin was laughing in his face. I opened my mouth to protest, try anything to stop Erwin but my voice was stuck in my throat, slowed down by uncertainty. Suddenly glass shattered all around the room, the loud electronic buzzing sound ceased and I snapped my eyes over to the now broken windows, people swung into the room and rolled on the floor, full on attacking the nearest enemy with loud screams and shouts of anger. Erwin whipped around and let out a surprised roar, bounding forward like a wild animal and attacking the nearest Rebel, killing them instantly.

My heart pounded and breathing was short, adrenalin running through my veins as the rush of battle whipped through me, yet I didn't take out my weapon to defend my Emperor, instead I did what my instincts told me to do. I raced over to Eren and picked up his limp gasping form, forcing my feet to rush forward and crash by the confused guards. Hearing Erwin's oar of anger only made me go faster, people fighting loudly, blades upon blades harshly scraping over each other in desperate anger. I noticed people running after me as I made my way down the hallway, a half conscious Eren struggling in my arms as I finally stopped by a window.

"Stop! Put him down!" I heard a female voice yell as I set Eren on the floor, resting his head on my shoulder and reaching down to his hands, clipping the cuffs off his wrists with a resounding click. What are you doing?! I shook my thoughts away, not ready to question why I was saving Eren's sorry ass. I turned to the girl who yelled at me, Eren resting on my chest as I looked up at her and two others behind her.

"Take him, go through this hallway and out the fourth window. Quickly!" I ordered, my voice shaking, I couldn't tell if it was fear or anger, maybe just the pure rush of rebellion. I Levi Ackerman was truly petrified of the situation, never having done something against the Emperor before, let alone help a Rebel. The girl didn't hesitate, she shot forward with one other and slung Eren over her shoulders, her companion helping her, looking up at me with curious eyes, unsettlingly calm in this crazy fast situation, yet there was something unknown behind her gaze that I didn't understand, "Come with us, you need to show u-"

Her strong voice was cut off when alarms finally blared, their harsh sound ringing and echoing through the halls and in our ears, making me stand quickly in shock, large metal sheets slammed down over the walls, but not over some of the higher windows, we needed to see after all.

I didn't hear any of it, 'come with us' ran through my mind over and over again, it was crazy, absolutely absurd, the craziest part of it all was I was highly considering it. I couldn't leave, I would be classed a Rebel and hunted to the world's end for all the information I knew, no one in the history of the Empire of my rank and status had Rebelled. The thought of Erwins hands on me made my stomach drop, something like that would happen again and worse, if I stayed I would be killed for helping Eren this much already. "Okay, come with me" I hissed quickly and ran down the hall, thinking of what to do and where to go as we rounded corners and leapt down stairs.

"Mikasa how can we trust him?!" I heard one of the men with the girl say, Mikasa's voice didn't raise to answer the boy, how could I blame her for that? They can't trust me, they are only make this decision in desperate fear. The thought struck me: This would be the perfect time to capture and kill them all, do good for my people and get award after award, praised for my bravery and trickery, feasts would be held, medals and golden suits of armor surely to be given to me. Maybe even my own castle. Yet, I was never one for materialistic rewards or statues with my name on them, in fact all that attention sounded horrid. I raced to a window, Eren groaned and tried to sit up but was merely handed over to a man of the Rebel Alliance, the brunette waking up more and trying to stand on his own already, a man of lower status than Eren surly would have passed out by now, even died. I kicked the locked window open, the key nowhere to be found on the bolted, locked down walls of the castle, the glass shattering loudly and falling everywhere.

Mikasa jumped out, landing a few meters below on the solid ground. I saw people standing on roofs all around the castle, the sight making my eyes widen in shock. Did they bring their whole army?  I heard shouts and woops at Mikasa's appearance, also hearing long droning footsteps running down the hallway towards us. "Move! They are coming!" I hissed harshly, they nodded and literally tossed Eren out the window, the King gasping and catching himself on the side of a building as some of his men caught his arms as well.

"Sorry bout that 'Ren but I'll think you'll live!" I heard the boy who tossed Eren out the window and I looked over at the boy quickly, he looked over at me, his face hidden like the others under a light black cloth, "Hey shortie, long time no fight, love to stay and chat but gotta run!" He said, his voice more excited then scared, the same boy I first captured, the one Eren literally landed on me to save. The other boy stayed silent as he jumped after Eren and his companions, I saw guards round the corner and some jumping out other windows, pounding down the hall as their metal suits clanked and spears readied to fly.

"RUN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice echoing in the momentary silence, Mikasa wasted no time and raced off with Eren's half limp form on her side, seeing him stir and move but his face was pained.

"Stop in the name of the Emperor!" A guard yelled, at the same time I jumped out the window, landing gracefully beside a Rebel and racing after Eren's retreating form. "Get the traitor!" I heard, fear shot through me but I kept a level face as I raced in time with the Rebels, Eren's army moving seemingly all at once like a large wave of power. Some Rebel's aimed their bows and spears at me, Mikasa calling them off quickly, some still hesitated but obeyed to my shock. They could kill me now and be done with me, they had their King back yet they still spared me.

The chase was on, I never thought of the day that I would be running as a Rebel. I weaved in and out of the buildings, keeping a close eye on Eren and spotting Mikasa was tiring, causing me to jump next to her and put Eren on my own shoulders faster than she could protest.

Through all the scrambling, running and small battles here and there, it never crossed my mind: Why the fuck was I saving him? What did he ever do for me? Sure, he saved my life but I saved his too. Why was I risking my life for the bastard? "Stop him! Shoot Corporal Levi!" I heard being shout behind me and I gasped in shock, they were already going to kill me without a trial. At least I haven't be numbered yet. More men from Eren's army surrounded us, surrounded me. I knew it was for Eren but I still felt companionship, Rebellion. Suddenly I saw them disappearing one by one, I didn't know where they went but I heard some screams of pain and some of victory. I could barely keep up but somehow, I did. Why are you going against everything you ever belived in? The Emperor, the state, the country? 

Because, I am a Rebel.

The thought made my stomach turn. Eren was yanked from my arms and he disappeared into a hole by a stream. The only thing I could do was jump in after.

The water sure was cold this time of year.

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