Stay In Bed

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Eren's POV:

It was the next afternoon, I had been kept in the infirmary overnight and Mikasa gave me an earful when we got back, in fact she was doing the same now. "Eren you will NOT leave this bed!" Mikasa hissed, pushing down my shoulders to stay on the annoyingly solid bed underneath me.

I scowled, "Mikasa I have duties to do, I can not just sit around and do nothing" I said tiredly, pain shooting through my back and body as I tried to stand again, Mikasa sighing in annoyance again and gently pushed me back down again.

"Screw your duties, they people will need you in full working order. They don't need you bleeding out and dying on duty" Mikasa said harshly, looking at my eyes seriously, making me sigh and lay back, knowing I wouldn't win this.

"I hate you" I mumbled and pouted like a child, looking away.

"Quit acting like a baby" Mikasa said then smirked, "Imagine if Jean saw you now" She joked, making me roll my eyes and look over at the sleeping form of Jean, his chest rising and falling slightly fast. 

"Okay, but can you send Sasha here for a minute?" I asked hopefully and pulled the blanket further over my shoulders, mindful of the thick bandages and intense stitches over my body, wincing slightly when I moved.  

"Sure..." Mikasa looked skeptical but walked out of the infirmary anyways, a few quiet minutes later I saw Sasha pop her head in the door, a piece of bread ever present in her mouth.

"yersh berss?" She said around the bread, bouncing into the room fully and looking at Jean and I concerned.

"Okay, I have a job for you." I said and sat up painfully, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and sitting as straight as possible, trying to keep my dignity. Sasha gave me a worried look but nodded, looking at me expectantly."Go to Armin, tell him to give me a headset so I can hear what's going on. I hate not knowing" I ordered and smiled slightly, Sasha slapped her hand over her chest, "Yersh shir!" She said and stuffed the rest of the food in her mouth, dashing quickly out of the room. 

I sighed and looked down at myself, putting my hand over the thick wrapping around my stomach, knowing I shouldn't stand, yet my feet were basically half way there, what could go wrong? I took a deep breath and slipped off the tall bed, my feet landing on the ground, groaning in pain but pushed it away, feeling the stitches stretching. They told me I shouldn't walk for three days, my wound would open up again before then and the internal bleeding would spread and most likely kill me.

I say I'm fine. I walked over to Jean, sitting on the chair breathlessly and poking him, "Hey, wake up" I whispered until his eyes fluttered open irritably, he looked over at me and rubbed his eyes with a groan.

"What the hell" he muttered, "Why are you waking me up"

"Good afternoon to you too" I snorted and sat back with a hiss, "Are you alright?" I asked as Jean sat up, rubbing his head sleepily, yawning and nodding in response.

"Yea, I'm fine" he mumbled and sat on the side of his bed, looking down at me and raising his eyebrow at me.

"Boss" I looked back and saw Sasha with a headset in her hands, she handed it to me and left without a word.

"Thank you" I called after her and put it on, Jean sighing.

"You never stop working do you?" Jean said, almost fondly. I looked up at him and caught his gaze, I shifted , he reached out and took my face.

"You should take a break..." he paused, "You are getting all wrinkles on your face!" He said then laughed, backing up from me, I felt myself shiver before I processed his words.

"Jean!" I said indignantly and smacked him away with a smirk, "Idiot" 

"Eren why the hell are you out of bed!?" A worried voice said behind me, I looked back and saw our nurse, Christa rushing over to me and taking my arm to try to put me back on the bed.

"Don't worry, I'm fine" I said with a smile, Christa fussing over our wounds and doing whatever else nurses do.

"Eren, you need to stay in bed for at the least two more days!" She said sternly, her eyebrows furrowing tightly on her cute face, I was about to speak when something made me freeze.

"We're under attack!"

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