Tomorrow Evening

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Levi's POV:

I was angry, no I was livid with fury. I felt the rage boil inside me as I walked back from the fire, it was starting to spread even more as I saw civilians racing away from the danger and people in red masks come with long hoses of cool water, yet surprisingly none of that mattered to me right now. I had lost my prey, I had lost the King, I could have finished him off right then and there but I had hesitated. To make it worse, the King dared to save me.

"Levi stop glaring at the ground, you are going to make it crack" Hanji hummed as she cleaned her blade, still dripping with Eren's blood, her eyes glowing in wonder at the scene below us.

"Take care of this, I need to deal with some shit" I said and walked away, I heard Hanji laugh in amusement but not question me. I walked, I didn't run, I didn't shuffle. I simply, walked. It was a quick walk, my steps urgent and agitated as I finally got far away enough that I couldn't detect the tang of the smoke. I jumped up onto a ladder, climbing to the top of an old rustic building, hearing some people laugh from inside, and I even passed a small radio playing some heavy music. I tuned that out as I stepped onto the stony roof, the wind hitting the small space that was exposed on my head. I then did the unthinkable

I reached up, and clipped the top of my mask off. The red covering fell away from my eyes and I could see clearly again. I know I was always ordered to keep the red mask on, even though it just clipped onto my normal mask it was still a bother to have on. I sighed as I placed the high tech plastic on the ground. I also clipped off my cape, kicking off my boots and gloves, they all fell on the ground as I stretched, finally released from the constricting uniform, sitting down on the edge of the building, my feet swinging over the side and the wind picking up slightly. 

It was starting to get dark, the sun was setting and it set a warm glow over the city. In all this mess, nature still decided to continue on. My thoughts settled for a while, until they drifted once again what had happened not twenty minuets ago, the same rage from earlier bubbling back twice as hot, making me twitch where I was seated.

"How dare he save dare he think I could not do so myself" I growled to myself, running a hand through my hair and huffing. So, he thought I couldn't fight, he thought I couldn't save myself, he thought he had to help me.

He should think differently.

I pulled out my weapon, tracing its cold steel casually as I planned what to do. Find him? Capture him, gut him and hang him in the courtyard as an example. I hummed aloud, "No...not humiliating enough..." I whispered as I stared at the metal. Find him, drag him by his hair through the public Emperor's court, then slice him in half, "No, too messy..."

Scratch the slicing in half bit, maybe just jail him and make him my own personal slave, yes, that was good, "My own personal slave, make him a lowly commoner when he was once a King." I said triumphantly aloud, smirking at the thoughts and words. Now I only had to locate and fulfill this plan. I had sat thinking for so long I barely noticed the stars coming out, the moon soon following.


I looked up confused, did someone just call my name? Looking back I spotted my red mask blinking like no tomorrow, causing me to groan and get up, picking it up and putting it back over my face. Instantly I was blasted with yelling, "LEVI WHERE THE HELLL AR-"

"Shut up shitty four eyes!" I yelled and cut Hanji off, I was already putting my stuff back on with a scowl, preparing for the worst.

"Levi you had your mask off?" Hanji said in a surprisingly hushed voice, like others would hear us if she spoke any louder.

"No, just the annoying part" I said and started to make my way down the building "Now what do you want?"

"Erwin is calling for you, we all got back an hour ago" Hanji said with a small laugh, "He is not happy"

I groaned and hung up on her, great. 


I stepped into the brightly lit castle, handing off my cloak and other obvious things to the maids walking beside me as I got to Erwin's room, my fingers curling around the cuffs on my wrists and straightening them.

"You are all dismissed!" I heard as I neared Erwin's room, he sounded furious as maids and officials flooded from the room in a hurry, half of them looking mortified the other half just done with Erwin's shit.

Hanji wasn't lying when she said he wasn't happy

I walked into the room, coughing  slightly as I saw Erwin's tense form standing by the large window in the room, his body draped with white silk and his golden mask glinting in the candle light.

"I told you to le-!" Erwin cut off as he whipped around angrily, he relaxed slightly as he saw me, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"What crawled up your ass Erwin" I mumbled, walking over to stand next to him as he snorted at my comment.

"Nothing...just frustrated with everything. I'm glad you are okay" Erwin said and pat my shoulder, making me nod and sit in the windowsill next to him. There was a silence, I heard the cracking of the fire and the shifting of Erwin's feet as he sat down across from me. 

"What happened today? Hanji said some Rebel saved you" Erwin said and ran his hand through his golden hair, the words making me scowl and cringe.

"I'm going to kill that brat" I snarled darkly, "Just watch..." I paused and stood up, looking straight at Erwin " tomorrow evening, he will be dead"

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