One Month Later

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(One Month Later)

A month had passed, since the beginning of your training. Your arms were a lot stronger, muscle had formed where once there were none. Hands had begun to callous, from dedicated use of the sword. Your body, had even adjusted, to the pain of getting hit with a weapon. It no longer fazed you. Most of the time your brain filtered it out. Your stance was strong, and agility was one of your top assets.

In fact, Gladiolus praised you openly as his favorite student to teach, He'd told you once about Noctis in his younger years. "You're nothing like the prince was. When I started training him, he was a spoiled little brat. Complaining and cutting lessons short. He wanted nothing to do with swordsmanship. But you, you take it all in eager for more! It makes it all worth while." He'd given you a hearty pat on the back after that talk. The two of you had grown a lot closer since training. A sibling like bond formed between you.

Gladiolus noticed the huge improvement in your skills, since you'd started training together. He also knew, that not all of it, was because of his nor your efforts alone. Something about your mannerisms, during sparring reminded him of Noctis. Certain moves were near exact replicas of the Prince's. If he didn't pay attention he'd mistake the two of you.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're starting to move an awful lot like the Prince. If he didn't trust me to train you right, he should've offered from the start." His smooth, deep voice, had come out in warm jest. He smiled down at you, as he ruffled your hair affectionately. Your eyes widened in surprise, he'd noticed...

A blush spread across your cheeks, a mixture of delight and shame. In a way you'd begun to feel like a traitor, learning from two people at once. It only got worse the closer you'd become to Gladiolus. But, being compared to Noctis, was truly high praise. It made you happy.

"Is everything ok between the two of you? I've noticed his odd behavior, towards you recently." You didn't have to answer as he continued "Look, whatever it is, he'll get over it just give him time. He's got a lot on his plate right now... Besides, ever since you came along he's finally started to act like a man, instead of an entitled child. You have my thanks." He paused giving you a sly smile. "One more round?"

You took your stance, and rushed at Gladiolus, glad for the distraction. One turned into, two then three, by the time Ignis called, the two of you, for dinner you were thoroughly exhausted. A contented haze settled over your mind, muscles aching with every step towards camp. Gladiolus swung one of his large arms around your shoulders, good naturedly. "I always knew you were tough." He said proudly as he gave your shoulders a light jostling.

Noctis eyes had widened, as they met yours. He quickly looked away, pointedly avoiding your gaze. Gladiolus' arm still rested lightly on your shoulders. You, hesitantly, took your place in-between Noctis and Prompto. Soup was the meal of the evening. Ignis handed you the bowl, you nearly dropped it in shock from pain. A cry of alarm passed your lips. The bowl quickly fell onto your lap, miraculously, it hadn't spilled.

The Prince, was already, knelt in front of you. He took one of your hands in his own, and turned it palm up. A grimace spread across his face. Blisters were swollen, and jaggedly torn across your hand, undoubtedly the other hand was just as bad. His gaze flickered to yours for a moment. It froze you on the spot, he was furious.

He twisted to face Gladiolus. "What were you thinking? Why did you push her so far!" His voice was impatient and laced with accusation. Gladiolus took it like a champion. Remaining silent he rolled his shoulders giving an apologetic smile. You couldn't leave Gladiolus to take all the blame!

"It's not his fault, I wanted to keep training." Noctis faced you, his eyes narrowed searching yours. It was nerve wracking. You wanted to look away, but you doubled down staring back with the same intensity. Noctis broke eye contact first, and ran a hand through his hair in resignation. Prompto broke the silence.

"You can't eat with your hands like that!" He grabbed the bowl from your lap, and held the spoon aloft. "Say Aaah." A sense of mortification settled over you. It was humiliating. You'd rather have had your hands treated, then try again, or skip the meal altogether...

A huff sounded by your knees. Noctis stiffly stole the bowl from his friend, as well as the spoon from the gunslinger's outstretched hand. The blond started to whine, but his protests were ignored. The Prince rose, and placed his chair directly in front of yours. A sinking feeling washed over you.

The bowl was now between the two of you. With great deliberateness, the spoon rose from the hot liquid. the warm metal lightly touched your sealed lips. You made the mistake of looking up. His gaze was stern and determined. There was no escape.

Lips parted, in defeat, allowing the warm liquid into your mouth. Noctis's expression softened, a small smile graced his features. Needless to say, your mouth, was already agape when he brought the spoon to your lips once more.

When the bowl was empty Noctis, asked Ignis, to bring medical supplies. The Prince, sanitized the wounds, and applied salve as gently as he could manage. "I missed you tonight, please don't stop training with me." He spoke, as he wove layers of gauze, over your injured hand. Noctis paused after securing the wrap. His beautiful eyes met yours for a brief moment, before he started wrapping your other palm.

The wall that had been placed between you was now gone. A familiar warmth taking it's place. Noctis was no longer distant. It had taken some time for your hands to recover. Training had been postponed. After they healed, you made sure, not to train for too long again. Sessions with Gladiolus and Noctis continued as usual.

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