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You stirred slightly, the light and noise outside disturbed your peaceful slumber. A groan of protest slid passed your lips. You opened and closed your eyes several times, trying to adjust to the light. Staring up above you realized that you were laying in a tent. A tent? A tent! What had happened last night?! Your body seized up in panic, all at once you shot into a sitting position.

Eyes darted frantically, taking in the unfamiliar scenery. Your vision locked upon a lone figure, slouched beside your sleeping bag. He appeared to have been sleeping, but was currently waking up.

"Noct." The name passed your lips in surprised wonder.

Upon hearing it the man jolted upright, staring at you with wide owlish eyes. It was the man who'd saved you! It seemed, the sight of you, had rendered him speechless. After blinking a few times his mind set in motion.

"You're finally awake." His voice was groggy and slow. You nodded dumbly not sure what else to do. He spoke again "I had to watch over you last night. You were in really bad shape. We were all really worried... Thankfully Ignis knew just what to do." He paused a moment looking thoughtful. "During the night you started mumbling and trying to remove those clothes. Someone had to watch you so I volunteered."

You glanced down in shock. These clothes weren't yours... In fact, they were all men's clothing, cobbled together in a Frankenstein like manner. Layered and twisted around your frame, they lay awkwardly against your body. Beneath the sleeping bag, your legs were tightly wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. Your brow furrowed, in confusion, as your gaze returned to Noct's. He was about to speak, but was abruptly cut off.

"Ah, you're awake." You recognized the accent, it was the man with white rimmed glasses! His head poked through the tent's unzipped opening, taking in the scene before him. He held your clothes neatly folded in his arms. Mind made up, he maneuvered the cramped quarters, ending up beside Noct. He held your previously missing clothing out to you.

Tentatively you reached for the them. The chill of the night still clung to the fabric, but it was already fading away from the warmth of your skin. The man before you continued "You'll be pleased to hear, that your clothes are clean. I washed them last night." The expression on your face twisted in alarm. "I had to undress you completely. You were suffering from a strong bought of hypothermia. It was the only way to ensure a full recovery." His voice was level and matter of fact. He studied you for a moment considering what to say next. In a gentler and more sincere tone, he spoke once more. "I apologize, for any discomfort, this news has brought you."

A shift caught your attention. Your eyes traveled to the source. It was Noct... He was shifting his weight between his feet in discomfort. Studying his hands with an unsettling intensity. The tips of his ears poking out from between his raven locks were tinted red. The weight of your gaze seemed too much for him to handle. His head shot up and his eyes locked with yours.

Your breath was gone. Lightning seemed to course through your veins, paralyzing you. A tingling sensation pulsed under your fingertips, leaving a dull ache behind. His eyes were bright and urgent pleading with you to understand. You understood of course you did... Something about the look on his face, made a sense of sorrow build in your chest.

"We'll leave you to get changed then, Noct." His eyes didn't leave yours at first, but once his name was spoken, he turned his attention to his friend. With that, both men left the tent, zipping the flap shut behind them. You waited a few minutes before starting to unravel your legs from the cocoon of warmth.

Night Owl - Final Fantasy XV - NoctisxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now