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(Ruinous Path)

It had been long fought, the journey, to this point in time. Bitter loses were met along the way, each one weighing heavily on Noctis's mind. You'd done your best to console him, his trusted friends as well but nothing got through to him. The Prince no longer acts like himself. The blame of past failures, lies squarely on his shoulders, Noctis himself the accuser. Now he pushes himself to the limits, convinced things will change if he does.

When The Prince boldly declared he was going to reclaim the throne, you'd all tried to rationalize with him, that now simply wasn't the time. Several tombs containing Astral Weapons had yet to be claimed. The Crystal's whereabouts remained unknown, hidden away by the enemy. Reason finally seemed to reach him! Noctis hesitated, heeding the advice given. A restful night would bring clarity and cool tempers. This issue would be discussed in more depth the next day.


Sunlight plays across your lids and tired eyes open. The warmth contained inside your sleeping bag makes you groggy and you nearly drift back into the world of dreams. Lazily your gaze skirts around the small space. Prompto is sound asleep, blond hair a tussled mess. A cheeky grin spreads across your face while imagining Noctis. What would his sleeping form look like? Giddy anticipation builds in your chest, setting your heart aflutter. But Noctis, Ignis and Gladdy are all absent....

It's strange for Noct to be moving this early... Curious, you slip out of the tent. Squinting in the light you can make out the figures of Ignis and Gladio, sitting around a dying fire. Stress is evident in their posture. Something's wrong. Noctis is nowhere to be seen. Ice flows through your veins and your breath catches in your throat. Ignis gestures for you to join him, in his hand a crumpled note. Legs feeling weak you lurch forward. Full of nerves you fumble clumsily to unwrap the wadded paper. One messy line is scrawled across the page:

Heading to Insomnia.

Your heart nearly stops, hadn't you all come to an agreement last night? Noctis had promised not to do anything rash. Looked you right in the eyes and smiled. But it was a lie, he'd gone... Alone. Though strong and blessed with extraordinary powers, this is not something a single man can accomplish, not even The Prince. Now wide awake your eyes dart about frantically searching for the man you know won't appear. You stand frozen, body trembling, from anger or fear you can't decipher. Darkness lingers at the edges of your vision and your mind pulls away collapsing into itself.

A voice sounds, far away and detached. The tone starts off cheerful but quickly changes to one of concern. Figures shift around the small campsite. More words follow in hushed tones, then footsteps sound lightly against the dusty ground. Dimly you feel your body being pulled into an embrace. Prompto's voice sounds against your ear though his words are lost to you. Someone must have woken him... There on the horizon, a dirt patch, where the Regalia once rested. Now stands empty in the warm light.


The four of you hold deep ties with Noctis and each other. This is a pivotal moment, no action will be taken until everyone is in agreement. Solemn glances are exchanged, the weight of the situation at hand, clear in the eyes of your friends. No matter how exceptional. The Prince had foolishly chosen a path, that most certainly, will lead to death. The question hangs in every mind, would you follow his path? Allow his poor decision, to alter, the rest of your lives?

Not a word is spoken. The gravity of the situation a crushing weight. Pressing down with equal force on every soul. Could this have been avoided? Or was it inevitable, set in motion by fate never to be undone... Movement catches your eye.

Night Owl - Final Fantasy XV - NoctisxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now