Noctis's Preparations

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(Noctis's Preparations)

Tired so tired.... That single thought echoes lethargically in Noctis's mind. He'd tried his best to sneak into your temporary quarters. Seeing your face would surly set things right and soothe his tired soul. But someone got in the way, another sentiment entirely had been the one to rouse him. Resentment. Prompto had tracked him down and dragged him from you, as if he were no more than a stray hound. The young King's eyes fix upon the restless blond, fidgeting nervously. With each passing second his frenetic motions intensify.

The freckled youth swallows dryly and his wide pale eyes lock with that of his agitated best friend. The gunslinger's voice comes out a meek warble.

"Hey buddy, you're not still mad are you?" Silence is his only reply. "Of course you are, who am I kidding." Prompto rubs the back of his neck in uncertainty before continuing. "This being a church and all I have a confession to make - and at this point, I honestly don't think you can get any angrier." Interest now peaked Noctis turns toward his friend. He may be curious but Noctis isn't quite ready to forgive Prompto's earlier actions. Is it childish? Yes, but The King's irritation holds fast.

In a cool manner, with arms firmly crossed, Noctis speaks. Making sure to bring his ire to the forefront. "Try me." The ravenette shifts impatiently and Prompto visibly steels himself. The gunslinger's words come out a hastily squeaked jumble. The only thing saving his confession from being undecipherable, are their years of familiarity.

"I've known Lunafreya a lot longer than you think I have." Stopping the boy peers through his fingers, at a rather calm Noctis. He relaxes ever so slightly before reiterating, at a slower pace. "Well - I mean - I'd never met her in person until Altissia with you. But I received a letter from her as a kid. Because of that letter I had the courage to become your friend. I know it sounds cheesy but I just couldn't find the right time to tell you. Seeing Luna here brought it all back. I'm so grateful to her and you. Thanks for being my friend Noct." Bafflement covers The King's features. Slowly the anger drains out of him, a puzzled chuckle taking it's place.

How was he to hold up the pretense of anger now? Prompto's hope filled gaze reflects in Noctis's periphery. Amused words begin pouring from his lips at the sight. "I already know. Luna wrote me a letter about 'Pryna's Savior' and the mysterious handkerchief as soon as the pup arrived home. Prom, you were my first friend outside of The Citadel. I'm sure you were aware, after all the gawking you did in school, that everyone else was only interested in me because of my royal status. Inside The Citadel wasn't much better... Even Gladio and Specs saw me as 'The Prince' above all at first. I should be the one thanking you."

Relief floods his best friend's features before twisting into a pout. "I can't believe you knew about my correspondence with Luna all this time and yet you never once brought it up. That's been my deepest darkest secret up till now... Or is it! This one's about your Bride to be!" The freckled blond pauses darkly. Wanting to see his friend squirm.

"Well out with it." Noctis's tone is impatient and demanding. But he can't stop the cold dread of anxiety from building in his chest... Prompto slowly walks closer. The gunslinger places a hand firmly on his best friend's shoulder. And begins speaking, in a tone, as nonchalantly as he can manage. While desperately, holding back the laughter, that threatens to overtake him.

"She has pictures of you stored in a notebook. It's her lucky item and the cutest expressions appear on her face whenever she looks through them! Here's the kicker ready? I made it especially for her. We've been keeping it a secret for practically forever! None of you were ever the wiser." Prompto waits, eagerly, drinking in the King's expression. Eyes widening in shock Noctis's voice cracks as he chokes out a disconcerted reply.

"What?! Prompto what on earth are you talking about!" The impish blond winks at Noctis and spins playfully out of the flustered King's grasping hand. Shock quickly turns to frustration as Noctis seeks to capture his agile friend. "Get back here!" A heated chase ensues around the furniture of the room until a knock sounds at the door. Both occupants freeze in place. The door proceeds to slowly open revealing, a rather vexed, Cor Leonis. Noctis quickly straightens up and heads over to the 'Immortal' standing before him equally perplexed.

"Cor? I thought you were aiding the Hunters back in Lucis track down missing citizens?" The ravenette shifts awkwardly in place, unsure of the rigid man before of him.

"Indeed, I was aiding Meldacio Hunter HQ. But I caught wind of your plans and decided to see for myself if they were true. Without doubt, a wedding is about to take place here." The following silence weighs heavy on Noctis's mind. The fantast traces of a smile, ghost across, Cor's stony features as he speaks. "Congratulations, Highness." The man bows deeply, in a show of respect.

"Last we met you weren't too fond of my future Queen. Or my best friend for that matter." The King's eyes narrow in suspicion as he studies the man opposite him.

Tone laced with goading Cor speaks. "You're not the same sniveling Prince I came across on the road. The outside world has done you well." Shifting focus, he continues gravitas looming. "As for the other matter, that of the girl. At any point she could and should have opted out of your journey. There were plenty of safe havens filled with fellow Lucian refugees. But she chose to stay beside you, till the end. She's more than earned the right to stand by your side."

"Is that so?" Noctis replies flatly, a furrow forming between his brows in consideration. Cor had come all the way here with the sole intention to harass him... Noctis can't help but bristle inwardly. The young King's retort is overflowing with due sarcasm. "Well I was going to marry her regardless of your opinion Old Man." The ravenette crosses his arms in mock defiance, a satisfied smirk crossing his features.

A snarling bite of laughter pierces the air, none of it changes the serious tone of Cor's voice however. "No, maybe you haven't changed at all. And I prefer the term 'Experienced'. I'll be here to back you up should anything happen." With a dismissive wave he turns to leave but pauses a moment. A pained expression crosses his visage and his next words are chosen with care. "Regis would be proud of the man you've become."

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