Noctis Nightmare

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Noctis P.O.V

Noctis awakes in a cold sweat. He's had another nightmare. They've been getting worse and worse. At first they were formless, abstract, and fragmented, he would awake, with a cold dread twisted in his stomach, aware that something was wrong. But, as time passed they became more and more vivid, until it was as if the dreams were reality.

It's the same ugly dream, he's seen it many times. In fact, it's the same dream that had awoken him the night before. He ran a hand over his forehead, slick with sweat, his bangs clinging uncomfortably to his face. Always in the dream he's fighting Luna, his childhood friend and betrothed, but not by choice for his body is not his own. A daemon always consumes him. But last night the dream changed for, instead of Luna, it's you in her stead... The memories of the hideous dream come back to him once again.

(The Nightmare)

Hot air burns inside his lungs. Fire is spread all across the area. Sparks and smoke flitter ominously through desolate plains. Scorched earth and a dark sky surround him. He looks down at his hands they're translucent the ash covered ground showing through them. His entire body is like this and he can't move only observe.

"Let him go!" An angry yell ends the silence. It's your voice! He looks over at you stunned. A menacing chuckle echoes in response. He can recognize his own voice, but it's twisted into an unnatural tone, as if two voices are speaking at once.

"Let him go she says... You know not of what you speak, girl." A shadowy figure stands across from you. Noctis realizes, it's himself. His shirt is missing, and his body is smattered in dirt and ash. A sword is gripped loosely in his right hand. And his eyes they're glowing, as if the fire's of Hell itself are trapped within them.

You're gaze hardens, at the reply, and your stance changes completely. Noctis can tell you're serious, it's one of the things he admires about you. During battles your demeanor always changes, you recognize that it's a battle of life or death, no matter how small the skirmish. The grip on your own weapon tightens in defiance. You're about to strike...

You lunge full tilt at the shadowy being, flipping the blade at the last second. You attempt to strike at the enemies temple with the pommel disabling him. The creature dodges easily, swinging his arm as you pass boxing your ear. Noctis's breath catches in his throat as you stumble a bit disoriented from the heavy blow.

You recover quickly enough. Soon, the two of you are circling each other, waiting for the perfect chance to strike. You make the first move. This time it's a feint starting off in one direction you quickly weave to the other. With perfect execution, you've managed to slide, beneath the daemon's sword arm.

You are now, directly behind the enemy. A rush of pride fills Noctis chest! Now all that's left is the killing blow and this nightmare will finally come to an end. But something's wrong... You're hesitating, instead of killing, you grab onto his neck. Locking it into a tight choke hold. The creature quickly thrusts it's body forward, a barrel roll like gesture. It's enough, your feet are uprooted from the ground, as your body falls overtop of his shoulder. Your head lands between his feet.

Pained gasps and strangled breathes choke out of you. The sword in the beast's hand is raised in a killing blow your eyes widen, you begin to roll. The blade misses you by mere centimeters. Once again, you rise to your feet, weapon raised.

Noctis heart sinks, you can't win like this, he knows you can't. You can't afford to hold back... Luna was much to timid, in the dreams before. She was almost all defense. Giving only one, nonlethal hit with her Trident, calling out to Noctis as if he'd wake at any moment. He could see it there in you, the understanding that this creature isn't him, and yet why. Why did you hesitate!

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