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It's warm, the first thing you notice as your body starts to wake. Something soft is brushing against your cheek. It tickles, the sensation on your skin, like the lightest touch of a feather's barbs. Groggily you reach out to swat it away. Your hand comes into contact with something solid?

Vibrations are felt in your ear, slowly sound comes to you. It's a voice, someone is calling your name. You hum in annoyance, nuzzling deeper into the sleeping bag. The intruder seems to have given up, but then quite chuckling catches your attention. The voice speaks again, this time you realize it's Noctis. That's strange, he almost always sleeps in longer than you...

Curiosity engages, you peek out, from under the sleeping bag. Your eyes confirm, Prince Noctis is indeed sitting beside you. He smiles warmly down at you.

"How are you feeling?" His gentle tone makes butterflies swirl in your stomach.

"Not the greatest." The voice coming out is small and cracked. Your body is filled with fatigue, and aching muscles. A small headache pulses in the back of your skull. The light in the tent is much too bright for your weary eyes, it makes your stomach turn in protest. It felt as if you'd only slept for five minutes.

The Prince's arm gently pulls you into a sitting position. His other arm slides beneath your knees. He brings you close to his chest, and in one fluid motion, your body is lifted off the ground. The sudden motion makes you dizzy, you burry your head in the crook of his neck, waiting for it to pass.

He's carrying you now, your body sways slightly with each long stride. He kneels down and gently places you in a camping chair. Sounds of activity buzz all around you.

"Wait here, I need to help pack up." You hum in acknowledgement. His footsteps slowly fade into the distance. The air is cold, in comparison to the tent... Wasting no time, you pull the top of the sleeping bag over your head again. It's wonderfully warm inside, and it also blocks out the intrusive light. Contentment washes over you, now snug as a caterpillar in a chrysalis.

"After you, M'lady." Prompto's goading voice floats over to you

"Wha-, What did you just say?!" Noctis's flustered voice rings out.

"You heard me, M'lady." You can just imagine the smug look on Pro's face right now...

"Prom, you were supposed to be asleep." Noctis stressed the syllable, irritation dripping form every word.

"What's this about a lady?" Gladdy joins in on the conversation.

"Nothing." The Prince's tone says 'drop it.'

Pro is now giddy with joy. You don't even have to see it. It's so poignant, you can sense it for miles.

"Listen to this Gladio! Last night, Noct was flirting with our girl. I'm so proud of him! He was so Princely." The gunslinger's rampant giggling intensifies.

"Oh." Gladdy pauses. "Good for you, finally growing a backbone. Maybe I should change your nickname to Prince Charming now..."

"Prompto!" You can hear the Prince lunge at his friend. Based on the squeals, from Prompto, he must've missed... Charging footfalls grow louder, laughter whizzes passed your ears. Followed closely by an angry Prince.

The two boys race around camp, until exhausted. They call a truce, after Noct hits Prompto on the shoulder. You can still hear the blond whining about being hit so hard.


Noctis finally returns to you. "Everything is all packed up, except for your chair." He kneels once more, lifting you from the chair. You poke your head from inside the bag, watching where he's taking you. Long strides stop before Ignis, standing beside the King's prestigious car.

"Ignis, please put the roof up on the Regalia." Noctis gently repositions you in his arms. Ignis eyes fall to you, for a moment, before meeting The Prince's gaze.

"Are you sure? It's a beautiful day out." His piercing aqua eyes are searching Noctis face. The Prince stands firm, meeting Ignis's piercing gaze with one of his own. The bespectacled man sighs, averting his eyes.

He adjusts the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Very well, I'll see it done."

Once the roof was secured to the frame, Noctis gently lowers you into the backseat. You scooch to your designated position, in the middle. Prompto quickly climbs in, beside you. Gladiolus gets in the passenger seat. Noctis climbs in, on the other side of you. Followed by Ignis in the drivers seat.

The Prince pulls you close to him. His arm hangs loosely around your shoulders. He uses his other hand to adjust your head, so it leans against his chest. All feelings of fatigue leave your body, adrenaline taking it's place. Heartbeat racing so erratically, you wonder if Noct can feel it. A deep scarlet rises to your cheeks.

Ignis glances back in the rearview mirror, shooting The Prince a hard stare of disapproval. Noctis catches his gaze. He sends a defiant glare back. He immediately tugs you closer, if that's even possible...

Upper legs, and hips are firmly pressed against each other. Giving new understanding to the phrase 'joined at the hip'. Your shoulder is snuggly tucked under his upper arm. The rest of your body, forms seamlessly, into the contours of his lithe side.

You start to fidget, nerves getting the better of you. Gently, you begin to push against his chest, attempting to widen the gap. His arm snakes around your waist, fingers rest against your hip. The Prince is holding you, steadfastly, in place.

"Stay?" His blue eyes search yours, pleadingly. If you decline, he'll release you. But, that expression, always pulls on your heartstrings. You can't refuse.

"Ok." That single word changes everything. Noctis's cheeks turn a dusty pink, blue eyes quickly avert, and stare out the window. Cheeks still flush he loosens his hold, on your hip. You rest your head against his chest, and snuggle into his body. His heart is racing.

Soon enough, slow even breathes, raise and lower his chest against your ear. Intrigued, you lift your head slightly peeking up at him. He's asleep, a faint smile plays across his lips. A smile spreads across yours as well. Warmth spreading through your chest, at the sight.

You return your head to it's perch against his chest, and close your eyes. The sleep you'd missed the night before, sneaking back up on you, fatigue returns. Slowly your consciousness drifts. It sits in the twilight between sleep, and wakefulness. The Prince's scent fills your lungs, dreams of him flittering through your mind.

Occasionally, awareness of the Regalia gliding smoothly down the road comes back to you. Her engine a soft purr, lulling you back into the peaceful dreamlike state. Maybe it wasn't so bad, to be a night owl after all...


(Gladdy P.O.V)

Gladiolus, glances into the backseat. You're now asleep, with the Prince's arm, wrapped protectively around you. The sleeping bag you wore, had slowly fallen off your shoulders. He can't help but chuckle at the sight. Your face scrunches in agitation, at the abrupt noise.

The warrior gets Prompto's attention. He motions to you. The gunslinger's face, breaks out into a Cheshire grin. The two share a look of camaraderie. For, Noctis's black jacket, is still on your person. Zipped securely in place, against your frame.

"Looks like those two had fun last night." Gladiolus speaks softly, careful not to wake you. Prompto can't help but snicker at the comment. The gunslinger, quickly, stifles the sound using his hand. Both men start placing bets, on who will confess first.

It's hard to tell, who's more excited, about this new information.

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