Bonding (Prompto)

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The excitable blond had approached you, one sunny afternoon, about visiting some amazing vistas, he'd found in the area. You obliged, his giddy mood rubbing off on you. As you'd ventured forth it became apparent to you, that something was on his mind. He was even more fidgety than usual.

You'd travelled to several locations already, they were indeed stunning. Prompto would pull you into the camera's frame, and take pictures with you posing dramatically. A few times he'd even given you his precious camera, to take photos of your own. It was a delightful surprise, and you treated the camera, as if it were made of the frailest glass.

When he did speak it'd caught you completely off guard. "I've been thinking lately, you have feelings for my best friend don't you. It was more of a statement than a question. Your cheeks heated up against your will, as you gawked at him. "I knew it. A wry smile spread across his freckled cheeks.

He continued enthusiastically. "To tell you the truth, I think it's absolutely adorable! Noct has taken to you so well. So well, it almost frightens me sometimes... His expression darkened for a moment. "See, I've known Noct for years now, even back in his earliest school days he'd never open up to anyone. He was always alone... The trend continued on through college, long after we'd become friends.

Prompto paused watching your reactions closely. "Even though he was popular with the ladies, Noct never showed an interest in them. He's gotten a few confessions before, but he'd turn them down. You are the first woman he's shown genuine interest in, so please, treat him with care. He's hopeless when it comes to love.

"Don't tell Noct this, but I received a letter from his fiancé, Luna, when I was a kid. That simple letter inspired me, to be more than I ever thought I could be. You have that same affect on Noct. Because of your presence, he's started to change, in a positive way. And I'll always be thankful to you for that. Man, look at me getting all 'serious and sentimental'... It really doesn't suite me at all! He began to chuckle softly.

Prompto's eyes lit up a moment later. "In fact, I've just thought of a way to show my gratitude. We came out here to take pictures of scenery I enjoy right? You nodded not sure where this was going... "Well then, I'll take pictures of something you enjoy!

He beamed at you clearly pleased with himself. "And what could be better for a maiden in love, than pictures of her beloved. I can take all the pictures of Noctis I want. It's what I always do, no one will suspect a thing. You were completely bewildered, but he still kept going. "I'll keep a separate SD card just for you. Pick out the pictures you like, and I'll print them off." He thumped his chest proudly. You pondered his offer...

Indeed, there had been times you'd wished to photograph Noctis, but it would have aroused suspicion. Your mind slid, into imaginings, of all the cute pictures you could own. The temptation was too strong, before you'd fully realized it, you'd accepted his offer. The blond was practically glowing. He shook your hand enthusiastically. Promises buzzed passed your ears, as he led the way back to camp. He would not fail you.

All evidence to the contrary, Prompto was a master of stealth photography. He was rarely caught taking pictures for you, when he was, he would charm his way out of it. Even when Noctis had caught him before he'd never lost his cool... It was so surreal. The respect you'd felt for him doubled.

True to his word, he kept a secret SD card between the two of you. You'd look through the pictures together, picking out the best ones. Then he'd print them out. As the collection of images grew, you'd started to tape them inside a small, ring-bound journal. It was so much fun to flip through! Gazing at cute pictures was a real mood lifter.

All this secrecy had drawn the two of you closer. The gunslinger was your go to defender. When everyone asked about your new journal, Prompto was there with the perfect excuse. He became like a little brother to you, annoying, but sweet all the same. And even, to this current day, no one knows the contents of that little journal.

You'd started to call him Pro. At first he'd asked you to call him Prom, but it just wasn't that good... You couldn't harass him with that. It was much funner to call out to him, after a missed bullet: 'How could you miss? I thought you were a Pro!' than the alternative. He always took it in stride, it's one of the things you loved about Prompto. 

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