Ruinous Continuation

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You make it to the drive leading up to The Palace, something isn't right... A large blue Mech stands in the middle of the area. But it doesn't move. Is it deactivated? The only way forward is on a single road surrounded by towering stone walls, all of which, survived the invasion intact. No human could scale those sleek uniform walls, let alone one who's already physically worn. Noct is the only one who can make it across safely by warping. Knowing glances are exchanged and every pair of eyes focus on The Prince.

"Uh-uh, I'm not leaving any of you. We do this as a team." Noctis firmly shakes his head in refusal, eyes alight with determination. His tone softens and gaze averts. "Besides, I don't know how much longer my powers will hold out..." Luck is not on your side, this is obviously a trap. At a loss, a decision is reached to test the waters. An object is to be thrown into the target zone. From there a plan will be formulated.

Prompto silently picks up a small piece of debris. throwing it with all his might, towards the lone road. It sails, easily flying through, the singular entryway. A bright red flash ensues lasers becoming visible for a fraction of a second. The chunk of asphalt skitters to a halt on the other side of the beams. The whirring of gears catches your attention the great blue machine springs to life. A wide search light, connected to the machine sweeps across the area. The beam turns red locked onto your hiding place...

It's found you! A missile launcher is raised, resting on top of the machine's frame. In less than a second six missiles are launched. Eyes fixed on the roadway you leap from behind cover, there's no choice but to engage the enemy. Staying back would mean certain death. You're vaguely aware of the men beside you leaping out of danger and yelling commands. Bright light and searing heat follow. The flames lick at your back but you have no time to slow down.

A gatling gun is aimed dead center upon the road you all run. The machine opens fire. A hand firmly pulls you by the shoulder. Time slows, the world fades in and out like a pounding heartbeat. Your body is rattled to the core, breath sucked from your lungs. Bullets whistle passed your ears, the heat of it stings your skin. Everything hurts and your lungs scream for air! The hand releases your body and time resumes it's natural flow. Glancing behind, you catch a glimpse of Noctis, sword at the ready.

The gatling gun attached to the machine's arm is smoking. It must need to cool down... The change in surroundings sinks in. You're standing in the circle drive before the Citadel. Ignis, Prompto and Gladio are inside the walls as well. Hunkered down on the opposite side of the entryway, Gladio still holding a large shield aloft. Thankfully, it had protected them from harm. A flare shoots out the Mech, bright against the dark sky. Air ships begin heading in your direction and the pounding of feet can be heard echoing the city.

It's only a matter of time now... A 'click' echoes, the gatling gun spins, ready to fire. You start to run reflexively but the barrel stays fixed on you. A yell of frustration breaks out, the Engine Blade lands a few inches shy of your foot. Glowing an iridescent blue, crystals fall around it like snowflakes on a gentle breeze. A figure materializes behind you, Noctis places a hand on your shoulder. The world begins to faze in and out in the same wild rhythm. The first wave of bullets is let loose from the gun.

Time slows, Noctis's grip on you tightens. Bullets whir all around but this time something catches your eye. The smallest details on the killing machine, lit in bright bursts of gunfire. SAF is written out in bold letters across the upper right ligamentation in black. Beneath, in a much smaller font, is the model: MA-X Angelus-0. Against the right flank panel an insignia, crimson as blood. Two dragons encircling a naked blade, ready to fight. The Nation of Niflheim's emblem. Fitting for a pack of blood thirsty killers.

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