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The city of Lestallum, it was the first big city you'd entered since escaping Insomnia... It was a lively and bustling place, filled with chatter and music, there was even a cable car line that ran above the city. Palm trees lined the streets, adding a welcome touch of greenery, in the warm climate. It was much appreciated, after being in the empty desert of Duscae.

It was such a contrast, to the city of Insomnia. The buildings here were washed out, some in shades of pink, orange, yellow, aqua, and bright greens. It was like a living rainbow... What must this place have looked like when it was in it's prime?

The architecture was bold, and brash. Looking up at the sky, it was a scene tangled with electrical wiring. Most of the streets were clean and paved, but look too closely, and you'd find many dirt roads, and abandoned alleyways strewn with litter. In the distance, a large power plant was visible above the sprawling cityscape.

Even though it was beautiful, you couldn't relax. At times, the two city's, seemed to meld together. Instead of the colorful streets of Lestallum, it would twist into the monochrome Capital of Insomnia. The memories of that fateful night came back to you. They hung in the shadows of your mind, setting your body on edge.

Tall buildings became imposing the longer you were around them. You could feel the ground quake, beneath your feet, as the towering structures crumbled. Hundreds would be injured, trapped, or killed as a result. It felt as if the city itself were closing in on you, making it hard to breathe. Conversations of the passerby's, were overwhelming, a sea of noise. At any moment those same voices could change into unrecognizable screams of terror, and cries of anguish.

This strange behavior did not go unnoticed by the others. Often, they would call out to you, asking if you were alright or try to lighten the mood. You would be temporarily pulled from the shell of memories, give a non-committal answer, then sinking further into the dark chasm of thoughts. Finally, at a loss of what to do, Ignis suggested they rent a hotel room. He gave you the key, told you to get some rest, and explained they would be back by nightfall.

Relief washed over you, after you'd opened the door, to the room. It was blissfully silent. You laid down on one of the beds, exhaustion overtaking your tired body. You lay there starring blankly at the ceiling, as thoughts continued to swirl. A numbness settled over your mind.

In the end, you dragged yourself off the soft mattress, and into the bathroom. It would be wise to get cleaned up before the others returned. The hot water felt good against your skin. It had been a long time, since your last real shower... It thoroughly refreshed you.

Night had fallen over the city, lights now illuminated the dark sky. A knock sounded at the door. A few minutes later a key was placed into the lock, and the door opened. Revealing your travel companions. Ignis walked straight into the room, the others hung back, in the doorway uncertainly.

"How are you feeling?" Ignis asked genuine concern in his voice.

"Much better, thank you." You offered him a smile. Upon hearing the good news, the others slowly shuffled into the room looking relieved. Gladiolus came over, a white bag in hand.

"Here, we got you this." He briskly handed it to you. Inside were Kabob's.

"Thank you!" They smelled delicious. At first you hadn't felt all that hungry, but after eating one your appetite grew. You finished them all with gusto. The guys regaled you with stories from what they'd seen of the city. Prompto especially, telling you about all the cute girls in an animated fashion. Noctis just shook his head, embarrassed with his friends childish behavior.

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