Bonding (Ignis)

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The bespectacled man had curtly approached you about helping him shop. The offer shocked you, usually Ignis would never ask anything of you. Because of this you were quick to accept his offer. He'd explained along the way that a city like this would have a much more varied stock, than the smaller stores throughout the region. It was an advantage, best not squandered.

At first you'd had a hard time, adjusting to yet another large city. The feeling of danger and being closed in would always grip you on the first day. Insomnia would be at every turn... Slowly those feelings would wane, the longer you were within a city's borders. Thankfully, today was the third day. Though Ignis fast pace did nothing to help calm your nerves.

The two of you weaved through throngs of people making your way to an outdoor market. Vendors lined the street. The sight of it reminded you of Lestallum. Their shops were made of stone, and the vendors themselves were much more reserved, waiting patiently for costumers without a sound. The market was bursting with provisions from all over Lucis. It was an amazing spectacle.

Ignis began picking out different ingredients, handing you the bags as he went. His pace was brisk and dealing with vendors took no more than a few seconds. He paused to address you.

"What are some of your favorite dishes? You'd told him, albeit slightly confused. In response, the dark blond began to, promptly procure, the necessary ingredients. By the end of the trip, both of you were weighed down with bags. During the walk back, Ignis began speaking.

"I want you to know that your presence, has been monumentally useful. Watching you work so diligently, striving to achieve new levels of skill, has encouraged us all to exert ourselves further. I've noticed this, in particular, regarding His Highness. He paused a moment to adjust his glasses.

"That said, please, don't get any closer to the Crown Prince. His behavior, of late, has been far more friendly with you than I'd like. If we succeed in our goal to take back the capital, Noctis will become King. He won't have time for you anymore. Hurt stabbed you like a knife, at his cold tone and rigid demeanor. This didn't go unnoticed by the man himself. An exasperated sigh left his lips.

"Let's say, that even after order is restored, and Noctis takes the throne. He still chooses to spend his days with you. A proposal would follow soon after, you accept. Now Queen Lucis, of Insomnia, you spend your days living in the lavish palace. The Prince beside you, all your days. It sounds wonderful doesn't it? His tone is much gentler and he searches your face carefully.

"But reality is not that kind. All the freedoms you've enjoyed on this journey, and as a commoner would be stripped away. Guards would accompany you everywhere, in the palace or out. You'd have little privacy. Noctis, now King, would attend to the needs of the people. Time spent with him would change, into meager exchanges spoken hurriedly in passing.

For the first time you noticed a furrow forming on Ignis brow. His voice was drained and quiet. This was hard for him.

"Eventually, the excitement and newness of marriage would wane. Whether, a longing for the simplicity of days gone by or the regret of a hasty decision, you'd most certainly face temptation to leave the palace... To return to 'normalcy' leaving Noctis to rule alone. Ignis eyes bored into you.

"I want you to understand, if you were to leave Noctis, I wouldn't fault you. It's not an unproblematic life. But the people of Lucis would never forgive you. Warranted or not, you would always be painted the villain. The cruel, vain woman, who toyed with their Young King. Regis was beloved, and those feelings will pass onto Noctis in his stead. So please, reflect extensively before that decision is laid before you. For both your sakes."

You remained silent once he'd finished. The words he'd spoken weighed heavily on your mind. Though at first harsh, you could recognize the kindness in his warning. Ignis didn't want you to become trapped out of ignorance. It took a lot of gallantry on his part to speak so frankly. You were glad he'd made the effort. His words stayed with you. You'd think them over critically. Even now, they still find you.

Present Time

You lay starring up at the tent canvas high above your head. It's still dark out, but the exact time, has escaped you... Whether late night or early morning, you have no way of knowing. A mix of snoring and quiet breaths rhythmically echo around you in the small space. It's much warmer now, in the tent than when you'd left earlier. The cozy heat starts to make you feel a bit groggy.

Without thinking you roll onto your side gazing at the sleeping Prince. The moonlight is just bright enough for you to make out his profile in the darkness. His bangs are faintly amiss. Lips slightly parted. His breathes are deep and even. You can see his eyes moving slightly behind closed lids. He must be dreaming! You lay there studying the peaks and valleys of his face until your eyelids started growing heavy.

Reluctantly you rolled onto your back. Once more staring at the tent canvas high above.

Iris words come back to you. "Treasure the time you have with him ok? No matter what." Her words give you courage. Ignis, might not like it, but you wanted to cherish every single moment with Noctis. He's changed your life in so many ways, and continues to do so. The Prince means the world to you. You won't shut him out.

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