Group Battles

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(Group battles)

Today, was the day. Your skill with the blade, had finally, improved enough for you to join the others out in the fray. Until now, you'd simply watched from a distance, as everyone fought. You had loved every second of it. Their dynamics, the way they communicated, it was amazing.

Ignis was the healer, and strategist of the group. Often, he would hang back and report on enemy movements to Noctis, Prompto, and Gladiolus. He would ask you for help in watching enemy movements. Ignis would only rush forward, if there were a clear weak spot, he could exploit. He would also remind the others not to get too carried away.

Gladiolus was the tank, to put it bluntly. He was crowd control, and vital in securing many victories. He Rushed boldly, into hordes of enemies. With his hulking stature, he was also a great shield. Either blocking or tackling enemies into changing course.

Gladiolus would also shield others from harm, if they were too reckless. Noctis and Gladiolus had a competition, to see who, had the most kills in battle. It was always a friendly competition, but sometimes it could get a little heated. That's when they started asking you to help keep tally.

Noctis was all attack. Chaos incarnate, a deadly combo of swiftness and quick wit. Watching him was an inspiration. Noct would switch weapon types, in an instant. His body would adapt to the specific fighting style on instinct. He disappeared, and reappeared, in flashes of blue crystal light. The skill was used offensively or defensively, whichever best suited the situation at hand. The Prince was art in motion.

Prompto was the wildcard of the group. The blond could never hold still. He was all over the place. Despite using a ranged weapon, he would often be up at the frontlines. If he wasn't upfront, he was back by Ignis. No matter what, the gunslinger always ran his mouth. If he wasn't speaking something was clearly wrong.

He'd even started a competition, with Noctis, to see which of them had the 'coolest moves'. You were always the judge, and most of the time Noctis won. But Prompto was never fazed by it, and the competition continued.

The group started you off small. Easy kills, often you would stick close to The Prince. If he was too far away, you stayed beside Gladiolus. Soon, you were fighting enemies on the same level as everyone else. Bosses were the one thing that was denied you, Noctis, being too worried. You complied unenthused. Everyone else rallied behind you, convincing him to let you in on boss fights, Finally!

Only the toughest of fights, were you denied now. The Prince told you to run if they were all incapacitated or slain. You agreed, with fingers crossed, if things were truly that dire you'd assist no matter what. It would be an honor to die, alongside, your adopted group of friends.

It was not one of the dire fights, but a tough opponent none the less. A Behemoth, You were up at the frontlines. The great beast lifted a menacing paw, dagger-like claws extended, it took a forceful swing. You attempted to dodge, but underestimated the reach of it's arm.

In an instant, all the air was knocked out of your lungs. Your body was thrust violently forward. You couldn't breathe. It was excruciating! Darkness engulfed you. Fading out to light blue, then the brightness of the surroundings returned... Hadn't you been hit by the Behemoth? The creature was now quite a distance away... Too far to even notice your prescience.

The skin of your shoulder prickled, unexpectedly, aware of a heavy weight. You looked up. It was Noctis's hand. He stood behind you, watching the fight unfold. Had he just teleported with you? It was the only logical explanation.

You'd always marveled, at the mysterious skill. And secretly, you'd always wanted to try it. It was beautiful to watch unfold. But now, as your body shook, and lungs burned, you'd changed your mind... Noctis noticed your fatigue.

"Wait here." He spun around, as he stepped in front of you a stern expression on his face. In an instant he was gone, faded into a beautiful display of falling crystal. His figure reappeared in mid-air, as he retrieved his weapon from the Behemoth's now ruined eye. You stayed there utterly spent, and useless. On the very fringes of the action, till the great beast fell.

Night Owl - Final Fantasy XV - NoctisxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now