Part 1

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Austin's P.O.V.

It was a nice, hot summer day and me and Alex were walking over to the basketball court to shoot some hoops. I haven't hung out with him in a while, so we thought we'd chill. Especially since summer's almost over, we wanted to go and have fun. We almost got there till I spotted two girls playing basketball. With ONLY there sport bra's & short shorts on! Holy mother of aklskjsdgfidu. I stopped and Alex turned around and made a confused look. Alex:"Dude what's wrong?" I hesitated.They were so beutiful and I didn't know on which one put my eyes.  They were both hot but then I realized that one of them was Alex's ex girlfriend and I was sure he still liked her.I couldn't steal his "girlfriend" so I decided I would have flirted with her friend.Me: “Vittoria’s here... and a very attractive friend is with her as well" I said, smiling and kept staring at that girls' body. DAMN. Alex laughed, which snapped me back to reality. Me: "What?" He laughed again. Alex: "Man…me and Vicky broke up after school ended, but are friends now. It's okay!" Me:"Oh...well, you still like her, right?" Alex blushed, which he only does when people mention a girl he likes, and he obviously liked Vittoria. They've dated for over 4 months...his longest relationship, but they had a lot of fights and drama, so they ended it. Alex:"Yeah I do…and always will." I smiled and then I looked back over to where Vicky and her friend was. They were taking a break. Alex: "Well dude, let's go!" I laughed and we walked over.

Daphne's P.O.V.

Wooh! That was a work out. Me and Vicky were taking a break and cooling down a bit since it was like 35 degrees outside.We were just hanging around till I heard a "hey" coming out of a guy voice. Me and Vittoria both looked up and saw two guys that looked our age. One had brown, long, straight hair and the other had a short brown hair that was a lil curly. They were both cute, but I liked the second guy. Vicky must have known them because she got up and gave them both hugs. I got up as well. They boy with the long hair spoke first. Alex:"Hey Vicky, how are you?" She smiled. Vittoria: "Pretty good." I "Ahem-ed" to get her attention and then she looked at me. Yup, she forgot I was there. Vicky said:"Oh yeah! Guys, this is my best friend Daphne,"  pointing at me and I smiled "she's moving to Summer dale High with us this year!" They both said hi to me and I waved back. Alex:"hey I'm Alex and this is my pal Austin." Me: "Well, nice to meet you guys!" They both gave me a smile and I smiled back. Alex:"Well welcome Daphne. You guys wanna play basketball with us?" Vicky: "Sure". She looked back at me and then continued :"Are you playing Daphne?" I thought for a few seconds. Me: "Uh, no thanks. I'll sit out. Thanks for the offer.” Vittoria and Alex nodded. Alex:"Are you coming Austin?" I looked at him. He looked at me, then back at them. Austin:"No thanks, I'll stay with Daphne" I smiled small. Ahww, he's so cute :). Alex:"Alright dude. Now Vicky, ready to get your butt kicked!" Vittoria rolled her eyes and answered "No because I'm gonna feel sorry when you get beat by a GIRL!" They both laughed and started playing. Me and Austin sat down. Oh boy...he was giving me butterflies...

Austin's P.O.V.

I decided to chill with Daphne. I wanted to get to know more about her. We sat down and I talked to her first. Me:"So...Are you excited about switching schools this year?" She looked into space and sighed. Daphne: "Yeah, I somewhat do...but I hope making friends will be easy for me. I've never switched schools before." Me: "Don't worry. You'll make plenty of friends here." I smiled. She looked at me with those big  eyes and smiled too. Daphne:"I hope you are right." We both laughed. Oh man...her laugh was like music to my ears. I think I had just died. Me: "You have a really cute laugh.Ops!Did I just say that out loud!?"I kept looking at her and I could see her smile and blush. Daphne: "Oh…well thanks." She looked up again and I smiled. Austin:"Anytime." After a few minutes of just talking about random things, we looked back over to where Alex and Vittoria were playing. Vittoria had the basketball and Alex was chasing her  trying to get the ball. He caught her and spun her around. I never really knew why they broke up? I mean sure, they had a couple of fights because they were jealous for hanging with ex's or friends, but they shouldn't split up. Alex was heartbroken when they broke up and I heard from Gabriella and Michaela (two friends) that Vicky cried 3 days straight. But I know someday, they will be together again. I looked at Daphne who was looking at me as well.She said:"So, has Alex and Vicky had a story? Cause she told me she was with this guy, but they broke up after school and now they seem pretty close right now.." I knew she was gonna ask me that lol. Me: "They went out for like 6 months, but they had so many fights! They both decided to breakup. But they were so devastated." She frowned. Daphne: "Ahw...I hope they'll get back together." She kept staring at them again. I just looked at her. "Yeah, me too.They are so cute together..." I said, looking at how beautiful she was. I needed her to be mine.

Daphne's P.O.V

Ahww, no wonder Alex was flirting with Vittoria.They went out and had a bad break up but they still like each other. I thought I needed to talk about it with Vicky later. I looked over at Austin and he was staring at me, then he caught me looking at him and he looked away smiling. I just smiled too. OMG he's so cuteee. Me: " long have you known Vicky?" he thought for a moment, then licked his lips. OH DAMN. Austin:"Well, I've known her since 3rd grade and I felt in love with her immediately but I was too shy to talk to her. No one knows about this.We didn't talk to each other till 2 years ago when me, her and Alex hung out at the Junior High dance.We became good friends but nothing more because Alex had the same feelings for her and I decided to give up" Me: "Oh, I you’re gonna be a dancer too?" He smiled, that most adorable smile EVER. Austin: "Yeah...and let me guess. You are too,aren't you?" I giggled. Me: "Yes I am." He laughed too and then he asked a question I didn't know he was gonna ask me . Austin: "So why'd you move?" I sighed a bit, not trying to think about what happened. I didn't tell him all of it, but I told him a little of what happened. Me: "Uhm...some family problems that happened last big deal." I gulped. He looked at me curious but I didn't say anything else.He concluded:"Oh okay. Well I'm sorry." I gave him a small smile. Me: "It's okay. It's not your fault." He just smiled. Then we heard Alex and Vittoria. Alex: "Yo guys, we're leavin'!" Austin got up really quickly and handed me his hand for help me up. I smiled and took it. He pulled me up like I was a feather. I grabbed the ball and we all walked off to get something to eat.

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