Part 11

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Austin's P.O.V.

It was close to 8:30pm and the party didn't end till 9:30. Tony would have had us stay A LOT longer, but his parents get home at 10:30 and he also had to clean this mess as well. Daphne wanted to hang with Vicky and the girls, so I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to Tony and Alex. I did a hand shake with both of them and spoke to Alex. Me: "Hey dude. So what happened with you and Vittoria after you asked her out?" Alex smiled. Alex: "Nothing really. We just hung out and talked. And we kissed too..." Yeah "kiss". Me: "Yeah, and by "kissed", you mean you guys had an epic tongue fight, right?" We both laughed. He nodded his head and drank some of his punch. I turned to my side and saw no other then Jessica. Dang it, she was looking at me and smiling. I didn't want anything to ruin this perfect night! I looked over to Daphne and saw her sitting down, talking and laughing with Vicky and their other friend Katie. Jessica:"Hi Austin!" she said in a loud screech. I looked at her and smiled small. Me: "Hey.. what's up?" Jessica: "Nothing. I didn't know you were here. I looked everywhere for you!" oh gosh. Me: "Well, I was hanging with my girlfriend." She looked past me, probably to check out Daphne. Jessica: " mean, the girl in the blue who's talking to Aaron?" I quickly whipped my head around to see Aaron's hand around Daphne's waist and her giggling. WTF. Why is she giggling? Fine, she wants to play like that? I'll play the same game. I grabbed Jessica's shirt lightly towards me and smashed my lips on hers. She didn't mind, so she kissed me back.

Daphne's P.O.V.

I was talking with Vicky till Aaron grabbed my waist. I giggled because his rough fingers tickles my sides. I lightly pushed him, still a smile on my face, because I was in such a happy mood, till I looked on my right. My face literally dropped to a frown. I was so upset. I saw Austin kissing another girl. I wanted to cry right there and right then, but I didn't wanted to act like a baby. Me: "Hey Vicky can we go now?" I could barely get the words out, I was chocking up with all these tears swelling up, waiting to burst out any second. She stood up with a concerned look on her face. Vittoria: "Uh yeah, anything wrong?" I shook my head and just looked down. Me: "Just come on, I'll tell you when we get home." I pulled on her arm and she lightly pulled back. Vicky: "But I gotta say goodbye to Alex and aren't you supposed to say bye to Austin?" I looked her in the eyes, with tears forming. Me: "Can we just go, please." She nodded her head and took my hand. We walked back to the car. After we left Tony’s house, my tears busted out. I couldn't hold them back. I was so upset. All of a sudden that beautiful night turned horrible...

Austin's P.O.V.

Me and Jessica have been kissing, for like 2 or 3 mins. I stopped because honestly, Jessica was a horrible kisser. I turned to see Daphne and she wasn't there. Neither was Vittoria. FU- JAKFIUHKWJENFIUG. She was gone probably. Dangggggg. I found Alex eating some chips by the pool and talking to some friends. I ran over to him and slapped his shoulder. Alex: "Owww" he said with food in his mouth. Me: "Dude I just made a big mistake!" he made a confused look. Alex: "What do you mean?" Me: "Well, I looked over at Daph and Aaron had his hand around her waist and she was smiling, so I got angry and kissed Jessica and I think she saw because her AND Vicky left." He sighed and shoved the rest of his cookie in his mouth, then swallowed it. Alex: "Dude, call her." I nodded and took out my phone. I went to "Daphne♥" and pressed the CALL button. It started ringing.

Daphne's P.O.V.

I was literally crying the whole ride home to Vicky's. It was like a half hour long. I was so grateful her grandmother picked us up and brought us to Vittoria's house. I was starting to calm down a little, till my phone started vibrating and so I took it out and I couldn't believe who was calling me. Austin friggen Mahone. Goooooosh. I pressed the end button and started crying even more. Vicky started to rub my back soothingly while I was balling my eyes out once again. I didn't know what I was gonna do.

Austin's P.O.V.

She ended the call after 2 rings. Great. She was DEFF mad at me and I'm sure reallllllllly upset. Why did I do that! Gosh! I locked my phone and put it in my pocket furiously. I didn't know what to do, and I especially didn't know what I would do without Daphne.

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