Part 32

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Austin's P.O.V.

I came to school like 5 minutes before the bell will ring and spotted Daphne at her locker. I snuck up behind her and covered her eyes. Me: "Guess who!" I said in a yelling-whisper. She didn't say anything back. I uncovered her eyes and turned her around. Her eyes we're puffy and red. She was crying. Me: "Baby what’s wrong?" She didn't say anything. She took out her phone, played on it for a few seconds and showed me something I DID NOT wanna see. Well...I did since I was her boyfriend, but it was all over the internet. It was Daphne, posing in her bra and underwear. Me: "Who sent this out and why?" I asked with so much anger. She looked down, letting a few tears fall down her cheek. Daphne: "I sent it to Aaron when we we're dating," she took a big deep breath and sobbed more ,"he sent it out late last night. He did it because he knew I was dating you." After she said that, she sobbed into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, still pissed off. Aaron's gonna fucking get it when I see him. Daphne: "You’re not mad at me, are you?" she said in a whisper. I shook my head, but I was sure pissed at Aaron. I let go and kissed her cheek. Vittoria came over and tapped on Daphne’s shoulder. They hugged quickly and I lightly touched her shoulder. Me: "I'll see you later baby." She nodded and turned around to talk to Vittoria. I walked over to Alex and told him the situation. He got so pissed too, I mean, of course he will. Him and Daphne were really good friends. They were like brother and sister. Me: "So, what should we do about it man? I'm not letting Aaron off the hook!" I said in anger. He shook his head and thought. He looked up and got tense. He nodded his head at the direction he was looking and I turned around. Aaron was standing by one of the cheerleaders locker. I got more and more pissed. Me and Alex walked over and it was a bad site…

Daphne's P.O.V.

Me: "I don't know what to do Vicky Everyone is looking at me weird and I just, today's been so horrible! and then I thought Austin was gonna be mad at me.." She looked confused. Vittoria: "Well, is he?" I shook my head. Me: "No, I think he's pissed." I said with a little giggle, she laughed along. Vittoria: "Well, I'm sure he is! He hates seeing you upset and knowing Aaron did that, he probably wants to kick his ass." We both laughed but then I heard some guys yelling at each other down the hall. Me: "What was that?" Vicky looked behind her. Vittoria: "I don't know. Let’s go find out." We jogged over to where the scene was and it was Aaron yelling at another dude. I looked more closely and oh my gosh... it was Austin. Austin: "Why the fuck did you do that! Just because she dumped you, you have to ruin her life!" Aaron: "Hey, I’m not the one with a slutty girlfriend buddy!" He said with anger. Psh, he was talking about me. WTH. He called me slutty? We barely made out. Yeah, I sent him a photo, but I just kind of felt the need to, and I never did that before. The whole school were crowding in a circle. Austin got more angrier by the second. Austin: "Don't ever say that about her again!" He tightened his fist and I ran over to Austin. I held his hand and he jumped, looking at me with his beautiful hazel eyes. Me: "Austin, just calm down okay." I said in a whisper. Aaron scoffed. Aaron: "Oh well there she is herself. So you dumped me for this gay singer huh?" I looked at him with so much anger. OKAY I WAS PISSED NOW. Me: "He was a better boyfriend then you'll ever be." Aaron: "Yeah, but always remember, I got more pictures." he said with a wink. and it was true...he did have more pictures. I was being stupid that night and sent him ALOT of pictures and he sent me a few. I really messed up. Me: "Why are you doing this?" I felt the tears forming. He chuckled a bit, making his "boys" laugh with him. Aaron: "To make you and Mr.Loverboy miserable. So go ahead and send him pictures, you slut." After he said that, Austin’s hand let go of mine and came in contact with Aaron's face. They fell on the floor and Austin repeatedly punched him, over and over. I wasn't strong enough to stop the fight so Alex and a few other guys had to split up the fight till the teachers came over. Aaron got up and his whole face was bloody and red. Austin had a little cut underneath his eye and his hands were all bloody and red. Teacher: "Alright guys, go back to your class!" Everyone looked at me speechless and my eyes were gazed on Austin going to the principal’s office with Aaron. Vicky lightly put her hand on my shoulder. Vittoria: "Wanna go to the bathroom?" I closed my eyes, letting a tear fall down my cheek. I nodded my head and we left for the girls room. We stayed there all period. Me just crying into her shoulder.

-skipping school-

School ended and I texted Austin earlier today. He said he was suspended for 3 days and Aaron 1 week. The principle said Aaron was suspended longer because of the pictures. Goshhh, that was awkward. But whatever. Austin texted me and asked if I could see him. He couldn't go anywhere at all. Michele (his mommy of course) said he was grounded for a month but she loves me, so I could come over anytime. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later Austin opened up the door with a sad look and walked back to the couch, watching a movie. I walked in, closing the door behind me and set my stuff on the floor. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him, but not to close...he was upset and mad. I didn't want him to get more mad. Me: "Are you okay?" I whispered to him. He sighed, shut off the TV and looked in my eyes, smiling a little. Austin: "I'm fine baby." I sat closer to him, holding his hand. Me: "You sure?" He nodded. Austin: "Yes baby. No can hurt you like that. I'm glad I beat the shit out of him." He chuckled. I giggled with him. Me: "Yeah, you did." I stopped laughing and got lost in his eyes. He leaned in and kissed me softly. I cuddled into his lap and kissed him, with so much passion. I broke the kiss and snuggled in his chest. Me: "Thank you for defending me.. even if your suspended and grounded" I looked up at him with a smile. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. Austin: "Just for you baby." We were quite for a while and I started to feel sleepy. I drifted off to sleep, with my superman with me♥

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