Part 20

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Daphne's P.O.V.

After 10 minutes of driving over to Vittoria's, I was FINALLY there. I kissed my mom on the cheek, said I love you and goodbye and closed the car door. I walked up the pathway and I heard a door open. I looked up and saw Vicky. She was smiling. Vittoria: "Hey!" She said jumping up and down. I smiled and ran over to her. I dropped my bag and hugged her, she hugged back. Me: "Hey, I missed you!" She let go and took my hand. I grabbed my bag with my free hand and smiled up to her. She pulled me inside and sat me on the couch. Vittoria: "Okay, so details!" I gave her a weird look. Me: "What do you mean?" She giggled.Vittoria: "With you and Austin, silly!" She lightly punched my arm and I chuckled. Me: "Well...wait, where's little Jimmy?" She made a confused face for a second then tilted her head back like a "oh yeah!" . Vicky: "Oh, he fell asleep like 5 minutes ago." I laughed and she did as well. Me: "Oh okay. well...there's a lot of things I gotta tell you and you got some to explain too!" She giggled and blushed a little. Vittoria: "I know. Well, let's go up to my room and talk!" I nodded, got my handbag and walked up to her room with her.

Vicky's P.O.V.

We walked up stairs and went into my room. She laid her bag on the floor and laid on my bed. She loved my bed lmfao. I turned on the radio and California King Bed was on. We started humming and then looked at each other and busted out laughing. We ALWAYS did that. We'd hum a song, look into each other's eyes with all seriousness and then just laugh our asses off. It was "our" thing. We stopped laughing and I sat on the bed with her. Me: "So...spill." I said with a smile. She smiled as well and put her head down as a slight red came upon her cheek. Daphne: "Well, today...we finally said "I love you" to each other." I gasped. OMG AJFNJUHF. Me: "For real!? What did he say back?!" I said all excited. She giggled. Daphne: "He said "I love you too" back. It felt so good to say that again V! You don't understand. Like...all my life, I had boyfriends who cheated on me, who did not like me for who I was and stuff like that and then I found Austin and UGH! I love him." I smiled and hugged her. She hugged back.

Daphne's P.O.V.

After talking a little bit about me and Austin, we decided to talk about her and Alex and I needed to know ALL that stuff. JK, but her and Alex were doing great. We just talked and talked and talked. Then, I looked at the clock and it was 8 already. She went to go check up little Jimmy, while I was checking twitter. I went on my twitter and tweeted a status.

@Dapne_Niall: "At @vikiflamini 's house!!! :) I love her so much. She's my best friend. Hey @AustinMahone & @AlexConstancio7, we'll call u soon! ;)"

I tweeted it and went on Austin's twitter. I saw some status's that made my heart MELT.

@AustinMahone: "At my babe's house. Her mom is awesome. Glad I'm making a good empression :)

@AustinMahone: "Hanging with my baby. ♥"

@AustinMahone: "Wow...I haven't said that to anybody in a while. I'm glad I said it tonight to her. I love you. ♥"

I smiled and logged off. I heard my name be called, so I bolted out of the room and went down stairs. Vittoria was making a sandwich for little Jimmy while he was playing with trucks. Me: "Yes?" Vittoria: "Just wanted to yell your name so you know I was down here. Jimmy wanted something to eat." I laughed and kneeled down to Jimmy. Me: "Hey bud." He smiled and waved. Jimmy: "You are Vicky's friend, right?" he said. I smiled and nodded. I stood up and sat in the stool. Vittoria: "I got off the phone with my aunt and she's gonna pick him up soon." I nodded and smiled. Me: "Okay." Me and Vittoria decided to watch a love movie on TV. Oh gosh...we were balling our eyes out. It was almost over till I got a phone call. She paused it and looked over my way. I took out my cell and saw Austin was calling me. I picked it up. Me: "Hello?" Austin: "Hey baby. You said you were gonna call us, but its 10:35 and me and Alex are gonna go to a party my buddy Lucas is having." I sighed. Me: "Oh...okay. Well, please don't get in any trouble." He sighed. Austin: "Don't worry Daphne. I won't. I'll call you later. Oh! & Alex says he loves Vittoria." Me: "Okay, love ya too. Bye." I hung up angrily. She looked surprised. Vittoria: "What happened?!" Me: "Austin and Alex are going to a party tonight at Lucas's house, I think.." She gasped. Vittoria: "Woah woah woah! Lucas is a druggy! And Alex is going too?!" I nodded and she looked angry. Vittoria: "I'm gonna text him." I stopped her. Me: "No Vicky. Just let them have fun. I'm sure they won't do anything wrong. We'll call them in the morning. By the way, I'm really tired. Can we go to bed?" She nodded and we went in her room.I snuggled up under the blankets, HOPING he won't do anything reckless. I couldn't stand to see him cheating again. After thinking about it a little while, I fell in a deep sleep...

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