Part 5

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Daphne's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of birds chipping. I sat up, rubbed my eye and headed to the bathroom to get ready. While I got dressed, I got a text from Austin. It said, "Morning Daphne I just wanted 2 know, do u wanna hang 2day? maybe we can meet at my house? txt back. xoxo austin." I smiled. OMG OMG OMG. I got butterflies when I read that. I texted him back & then we basically had a little conversation.

Me: "morning :] & yes Austin, I wanna hang! Uhm...should I bring anything?"

Austin: "Just you and your beauty ;]"

Me: "Corny ;p haha & okay. I'll come over around...2 okay?"

Austin: "Okay, see ya then!"

Me: "Okay byee :]"

I looked at the clock and it said 12. I had a couple ours to just chill out. I went down stairs and watched tv a little .

Austin's P.O.V.

I got a text from Daphne and she said she'll hang with me today. YES. More time with her means the world to me. I got dressed and went downstairs. My mom wasn't home. Probably working.I went in the kitchen and made some breakfast, thinking about Daphne.

Daphne's P.O.V.

It was almost 2, so I decided to text Austin that I was on my way and walked over. I got there and knocked on the door. It took a few minutes till I heard footsteps. Someone opened the door and it was Austin. He smiled really big. Me: "Hi" I said with a smile. Then I went right up to him and hugged his waist very gently. He hugged me back, embracing every inch of me. We let go and smiled at each other. Austin: "Glad you came." Me: "Me too." He took my hand and led me inside. I walked in and wow, his house was BEAUTIFUL. So big, decorative and peaceful. I heard him shutting the front door and walking up next to me. Me: "Wow, your place looks amazing." He chuckled softly. Austin: "Thanks, but it's nothing special." He took my hand and led me to his room. He opened his door, with our hands still entwined. He led me inside and his room looked like a regular boys room, except all this equipment. A microphone, about 2 guitars,1 electric guitar,a drum set and a sounds system. I never knew he liked singing or playing guitar. I faced him. Me: "Wow, I never knew you liked singing or playing instruments..." He smiled while blushing. Austin: "Yeah, I don't tell a lot of people. Well...except my fans." I looked at him confused. Me: "Fans?" He chuckled softly. Austin: "Yeah. Me and Alex posted YouTube videos of me singing and like 5 million girls became obsessed with me. It's so crazy!" I smiled. Me: "Wow, that’s amazing! Would you mind...singing me a song?" He nodded and smiled. He sat down and picked up one of the guitars hanging up on his walls. I sat down on his bed too, watching every move he made. He strung all the cords while smiling, looking into my eyes. I giggled softly. Then, he started playing "Let Me Love You". He was amazing at singing and playing guitar. His voice was like an angel. I fell in love with his voice, and falling hard for him. He finally stopped and set his guitar down. Me: "Wow Austin, that was amazing!" He smiled and looked down blushing, then he looked back at me. Austin: "....I sang it just for you"

Austin's P.O.V.

Daphne smiled at me when I told her that. Her smile was so beautiful. Daphne: "Really?" I smiled back at her and sat next to her on the bed. We looked into each other’s eyes and I felt myself leaning in. She leaned into. We got so close, then, I felt her lips on mine. It was such a passionate kiss.Then she pulled away and rested her head on mine. She tried to catch her breath before speaking. Daphne: "Uhm, so...what do you wanna do next?" I smiled and she smiled as well. I pulled away from her and took her hand. Me: "Let's go play basketball." She smiled and nodded. We held hand in hand walking downstairs and out the door.

Daphne's P.O.V.

That kiss was AMAZINGGGGGG. Ahh! He took me by the hand and led me outside to play basketball. We got outside and he handed me the ball. Austin: "Show me what you can do" he said with a seductive smile and a wink. I just took the ball and smiled. I threw the ball in the basketball hoop and got it in. His facial expression was priceless. Austin: "Woahhhhhh, how did you do that?" I just smiled innocently and shrugged. Me: "I'm quite good.Vicky taught me how to play" He winked. Austin: "Oh cool.Now, let me take a shot." I pulled the ball away from him and shook my head. Me: "Nahhh, you don't need it." Austin: "Yes I do, give it to me Daphne." I smiled and shook my head again. Me: "Come and catch me." After I said that, I ran. Ran and ran around the parking lot. He almost caught me, but I ran a little faster. Then, he caught me, causing me to fall on the soft grass and dropping the ball. Me: "Austin! Get off me!" I said while giggling like crazy. He just laughed and pinned my hands down. He came closer to my face. I nodded softly and noticed he was so close to me, I could feel his hot breath on my lips. Then out of nowhere We kissed again. He let go my hands so I wrapped them around his neck and played with his hair, still kissing him with passion. One hand was holding onto my waist and the other was on the ground, probably so he wouldn't squish me from underneath.

Austin's P.O.V.

DAMN. This kiss was amazing and long.I finally stopped so I could ask her something. I held her cheek and leaned my forehead against hers, breathing heavily. Me: "Listen, Daphne. Would you be my girl?" She opened her eyes and smiled. She took a deep breath before answering me.

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