Part 7

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Daphne's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feeling sooooo happy. I looked up and saw Austin peacefully asleep. I just examined his whole face. His big plump lips, his cute little freckle by his top lip, his light tan skin, his light pink cheeks, his adorable eye brows, his perfect eyes with the good-length eye lashes, and his cute nose. Man, he's just LKJAOIHFJI. I sighed and snuggled up in his chest even more. Enjoying every second of that time. Then, I heard him yawn and looked up. He had his eyes open and looked at me with a smile. Austin: "Morning." I smiled. Me: "Morning." I said quietly. Austin: "Do you wanna get ready and go do something? Maybe hang with Alex or Vittoria later?" I nodded and sat up. He got up as well and stretched. I just giggled and picked up my clothes. Me: "I'm just gonna get ready and get dressed. I'll be right back" He came up to me and lightly put his arm around me. Then, he gave me a soft and quick kiss. Austin: "Just your gonna be gone for a while and I haven't gotten my kiss..." he smiled innocently. I just lightly nudged him in the arm. Me: "Ha-ha okay, I'll be right back." I giggled and left. I went in the bathroom and took off the shorts I wore last night. They smelt like Austin...I love that smell :] I got dressed and took out my messy bun. I let my curls hang loosely down my back and got his shorts off from the floor. I walked back in the room and OMG. AUSTINS. SHIRT. WAS. OFF. Breath Daphne!!!! I stuttered and my eyes slowly trailed down to his stomach. Yes, he has abs, and he was tanned as hell! OMG. Austin: "Hello! I know my abs are sexy but my face is up here." He chuckled. I snapped my head and looked at him, giggling a little. Me: "Shuttup. It caught me off guard." He was digging in his drawer for a shirt. Austin: "I can't find a shirt to wear!" I came up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I looked up at him, HE WAS SOOO TALL! He gently put his arms around my neck and kissed me. It wasn't really passionate, it was like a wanted kiss. Nice, sweet, soft and wanted ♥ It was soooo amazing. I pulled back and looked in his drawer, finding a shirt for him. I pulled out a red shirt with basketballs on it. WOW. He loves basketball ;} ha-ha. I handed it to him. Me: "Here, wear this." I smiled at him and he smiled back. He took it from my hand and quickly put it on. He fixed his hair and shut off the light. He got his cell phone and texted Alex saying to meet us at the Café' down the road. He took my hand and we walked out.

Alex's P.O.V.

I got up with my phone ringing by my ear. I saw I had a new text message from Austin.

Austin: "Hey dude, do you and Vicky wanna meet me and Daphne at the Café? We'll be there if u do. Kay dude. & p.s ; I need to tell you LOTS OF THINGS ok bye."

I smiled. Mannnnn, Austin probably kissed last night with Daphne. I laughed at myself and texted him back. I looked at the clock and it was 9:05am. I texted Vicky and asked her.

Alex: "Hey babe. Austin wanted us to meet him and Daphne at the café...wanna go? xoxo"

Vittoria: "Hiiii, & sure :] Will u pick me up? My gram won't give me a ride :/"

Alex: "Sure babe. Be there in like 10 mins. Lovee you ."

Vittoria: "Kay! Love you tooo ♥"

I smiled & quickly took a shower. I got dressed, got my keys, wallet & phone and went to my car. Then, I drove off to Vittoria's grandmother’s house which was a few minutes away. She was at her grandmother’s house because she gets in a lot of fights with her moms and usually she's with her grandmother. & she never told me what happened with her dad, but I hate asking her. She gets so upset and cries, and I hate seeing her cry. I drove in the driveway and honked the horn a few times. Then, I saw her beautiful body walking to the car. She got in & smiled. I gave her a quick kiss and started driving off to the café.

Austin's P.O.V.

Me and Daphne got to the café and sat down in one of the tables by the window. She told me what she wanted and I walked over to the ordering booth. I told them what I wanted. 2 ice caps with chocolate fudge and whipped cream. Me and Daphne loved  exactly the same thing. Wow, we have a lot in common! I waited for the drinks and then I got a text message. It was from Alex.

Alex: "Hey dude. We're almost there. See ya in a few."

I locked my screen and put it in my pocket. I heard the chimes ding when someone walked through the door. I almost pissed my pants when I saw who it was. She was Jessica Mills. She had been obsessed with me ALLLLLLLL through 9th grade. She always wanted me to kiss with her and go out with her, but I didn't like her like that. I tried hiding my face, but it didn't work. She noticed me and walked up to me. Jessica: "Omg! Hey Austin!" I looked at her and tried to smile excitedly. Austin: "Hey Jessica! What are you doing here?" Jessica: "I Just wanted to get a drink. You?" She sat down on one of the seats near the booths where I was standing, still waiting for my drinks. GOD DAMN HURRY UP LADY! Austin: "Oh you know, same. Alex and his girl is coming to hand with me and eh, my girl.." She looked a little down, but I just wanted to end the conversation! Jessica: "Oh...well-" she got cut off by the lady who made our drinks. Lady: "Here sir, your drinks" I took the tray of the two coffees and thanked her. Then looked at Jessica. Austin: "I'll see ya later Jessica." Jessica: "Yeah, see ya. Oh yeah! Are You coming to the party this Saturday?" I nodded. Austin: "Yeah, I'm going with Alex, Vittoria and my girlfriend." Jessica: "Oh...well I hope to see you there," she came closer and rested her hand on the crook of my neck, playing with the ends of my hair, making me cringe, "and uhm...we could do what we did last year." I shrugged her off me. Austin: "Listen Jess, I gotta go." I walked away fast enough and sat down next to Daphne, plopping the tray gently down on the table. Daphne looked up at me and smiled. Daphne: "Hey, what did took you so long slow poke?" She stuck her tongue out and took her coffee in her hands, sipping some of it. I took mine too and smiled through the straw, taking a sip as well. Austin: "Ehh, long line." I didn't wanna tell her about Jessica. I didn't really know if she was REALLY jealous, but she told me when she dated a guy, he cheated on her and she got so jealous and upset, she almost committed suicide. But she didn't, because Vicky stopped her. THANK GOODNESS. She nodded her head and continued sipping on her drink.

Vicky's P.O.V.

Alex picked me up and we headed to the café' to hang with Austin and Daphne. Maaaan, she had a lot to tell me! We got there and headed in, hand in hand. Alex opened the door for me and I saw Austin and Daphne in one of the tables to the right. They were laughing and talking and sipping there drinks. Alex: "Hey babe. I'm going to get us drinks. Your usual right?" I nodded and pecked his cheek. Then he headed to the booth. I went to the table where Austin and Daphne was sitting. Me: "Hey guys!"Daphne looked at me and smiled big. Then she got up and gave me a huge hug. Daphne: "HEY!" she said all excitedly. A few seconds later, she let go and sat back down, I sat down as well. Me: "So, how are you guys?" I asked with a smile. They looked at each other, smiled and then Daphne looked back at me while Austin was sipping his coffee, blushing. Daphne: "We're"  OMG. They are dating! AHHHH. Me: "Oh my gosh, really!?" They both nodded. I hugged both of them and still had the biggest smile on my face.

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