Part 3

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Daphne's P.O.V.

After my long shower, I got dressed into a purple tank top, white shorts and some purple converse. Then I put my hair into a ponytail and i put on some make up. I looked in to the mirror one more time, then went down stairs. When I got downstairs, I saw my mother cooking up supper. I went in the kitchen and helped her to set up the table. I set the table and sighed. Me:"Mom,Do you want me to do anything else?" My mom looked around and checked to see what I needed to do. Mom: "Eh, no you're fine! Go and call up Vittoria and tell her we're done with supper!"I smiled and said, "okay!". I walked in the living room and picked up the telephone. I dialled Vicky's cell phone and called her up. Vittoria: "Hello", she said all cheerfully. Me: "Hey girl! My mom wants me to tell you that you and your mom can come over...okay?" Vittoria: "Okay! We'll be there in 5 minutes!" Me: "okay see ya then!" I hung up and put the phone down. I sat on the couch and watched a little tv before they got here.few minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. I shut off the TV, got up and opened the door. Vicky and her mom were standing outside of the door, smiling. Me: "Hey guys, come in!" Vicky's mom: "Thanks hunny!"

I shut the door and turned to Vicky. Me: "Dude I got a lot to tell you!" she smiled. Vittoria: "Yeah me too! But let's talk about it after dinner, okay?" I nodded my head and we both walked over in the dining room.

After dinner, me and Vicky went upstairs in my room to talk about that day. I sat in the chair and she laid on her stomach on my bed. Vittoria: "Okay, so you tell me first what happened, then I'll tell you what happened with me, okay?" I nodded and took a deep breath. Me: "Okay, so me and Austin were talking...and he asked me to this beach party and I said yes. So, we're going together & after I said yes, he held my hand and we walked hand in hand" I said smiling. Her facial expression went to serious to almost breaking her face with her huge smile. Vicky: "OMG! You like Austin a lot!" I rolled my eyes and stood up. Me: "I don't like him that much. I just met him!" Vittoria: "Well I bet Austin likes you a lot." I smiled small and then looked at her seriously. Me: "Shut up." she replied: "Hey, just stating the obvious." She laughed, which made me laugh too. I got my hair brush and started brushing my hair in the mirror. I looked at her through the mirror. Me: "So.. what happened with you and Alex?" I said winking at her. She blushed so hard, I thought she was gonna turn into a cherry. Vicky: " and Alex...we eh, kissed" she said so sweetly. OH MY GOSH. I gasped. Me: "YOU DID?!" I said smiling. She nodded her head and smiled. Me: "Oh my gosh! What happened?!" Vittoria: "Well, we were walking hand in hand, like old times, and then we sat on the nearest benche we saw and started talking. He told me how he missed me, and I told him how he put me through a lot and we just talked for like 2 hours. Then, he told me I was beautiful and he just kissed me" I smiled and hugged her for a few seconds. Me: "Omg. I'm so happy for you Vicky! How long was it?" She smiled cheekily. Vittoria:"I don’t know?.. I mean,I wasn't counting haha" We both laughed. The rest of the night, we talked about Austin and Alex till we fell asleep. We decided to call them the day after and hang with them. I couldn't wait to see Austin again.

Austin's P.O.V.

It was the next day and I slept over night at Alex's house. Vicky and Daphne called us last night & wanted to hang with us that day. I was all for it. I mean, hanging with Daphne, possibly alone...AWESOME. Right when I got up, I took a shower and borrowed Alex's clothes. We're the same size, so hey, why not? We got dressed and Alex texted Vittoria to meet us up at the basketball court. She texted back "okay" and we both headed out, to meet up with the girls, yeaaahh man.

Daphne's P.O.V.

The boys texted us saying we could meet up at the basketball court and hang out. I couldn't wait! More time with Austin :} AHHHH. I was wearing a pair of blue shorts, white tank top and some sandals. I had my hair down, all wavey and no make-up on.We got ready quickly and walked over. We walked over for a good 10 minutes, then when we got there, up ahead, we saw two guys with red t-shirts and black shorts. I smiled and looked over at Vicky. She smiled too. We walked over and they looked at us with a big smile. I walked over to Austin and we hugged. Austin: "Hey." he said with a smile. Me: "Hii." I said quietly. Omg, his hugs are AMAZING! I looked over to Vittoria and Alex and they we're already kissing...So cuteeeee. Austin looked over to, then at me. Austin: "Uh, do you wanna be alone?" I smiled and nodded. Me: "Should we tell them?" Austin looked over again and shook his head. Austin: "Nahh, let them be." He said with a laugh. I laughed too. Then we walked away, to be alone. YES :]

Austin's P.O.V.

We walked away from Alex and Vicky so they could kiss.I looked over to see what Daphne was doing. She was just walking with her head down. I took her hand very carefully, and when I did that, she shot her head up and immediately smiled. I smiled back. Daphne: "So uh...I have a question." She said in a pleading way. Me: "Okay...shoot." She took a deep breath and looked back at me. Daphne: "Do you consider me...more as a friend?" I smiled, but not that big so she could see it. Me: "Uhm...yeah I do." She looked at me and smile. Ughhhh, her smile is soooo beautiful! Daphne: "I think I'm beginning to like you too.." She stopped and we sat on the nearby bench. We we're still hand in hand. I looked at her with serious eyes. She looked at me as well, still smiling that perfect smile that makes my heart melt. Then, I started leaning in. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I had to. And that best part is, she started leaning in too. Could this be the day?

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